Jul 19, 2007

Being a Blessing, Be an Aroma!

Posted by Mr.Keropok

These past two weeks I have been making intentional and deliberate efforts in going round to bless people. Initially, it was quite tough as I wasn't quite used to it. But as the days go by, it sort of become something natural to do. Wherever I went, I would constantly remind myself to keep a lookout for anyone I could bless. Maybe it would be sparing a listening ear to someone in distress, or maybe it could be to lend a helping hand to someone in need, or it could be just buying a cup or kopi to lift up a tired soul, or just speaking words of encouragement to someone who feels down... and the list goes on and on. There are just so many possibilities and avenues!

And this photo taken from my office just reminds me that being a blessing to someone is just like this air freshener! People in the vicinity are just rejuvenated by the sweet scent that lingers around and spirits are lifted up!

What are you waiting for? Go and be a blessing to someone today! Just open your eyes and take deliberate notice of things happening in the surrounding!

Bring a sweet scent and NOT A STENCH!


Anonymous said...

Just read your post online about being a blessing. It was very good, you have encouraged me to be a blessing to someone. God Bless and have a good day!!!!!!
