Nov 5, 2006

Bangkok Shock: Am I Dreaming?!?!?

Posted by Mr.Keropok

"My dream is that I will become the Prime Minister!"

This was just one of the many similar answers which the Thai students gave when I asked them what was their dream job in the future. I almost choked on my water when I heard this answer, because my first impression was that "It's impossible!". But soon I realised that out of a class of 24, almost half of them wanted to be the future Prime Minister or some influential person in Thailand! This is no joke already man!

There may be many various political reasons for these 15 year old youths to want to dream such adventures. But one thing that struck me was that they were not afriad to dream big! When I analyzed their behavioural profile using DISC and shared with them some insights on how to tap on their strengths to pursue their dreams, they were captivated.. as if this was the first time somebody actually believe in their dreams and told them it was achievable! I could vaguely see tears welling up in some eyes...

How about us? Do we also dare to dream big? Or have we allowed logical thinking, past failures or overwhelming life circumstances to shatter our dreams?

Successful Entreprenuer... Doctor.... Lawyer... Engineer... Teacher... What do we dream to be in future? The road may not be easy, but it is not impossible. Dare to dream BIG!!