Mar 12, 2007

When the going gets tough....

Posted by Mr.Keropok

When the going gets tough, what do we do? Do we learn to take it as the PROBLEMS come and learn to ride over it? Or do we just cast everything aside and runaway, hoping to escape from reality?

Like it or not, life is always full of PROBLEMS and at times they just seem never ending. Financial PROBLEMS, family PROBLEMS, relationship PROBLEMS, studies PROBLEMS, friendship PROBLEMS, personal PROBLEMS. Anything that we can think of, there is a possibility of PROBLEMS taking place! The hard truth of life is that many times we cannot escape PROBLEMS! But the key question we must learn to ask ourselves is, "So what are we going to do about it?"

The bottomline is we can either choose to wallow in defeat and eat worms, or we can choose to stand up and learn from the experience.

The learning and growth journey in character only begins when we choose to stand up and move on. Wallowing in defeat and eating worms on leads to more sorrows. So what's your choice?

Stop eating those worms and get up!!!

PS: Don't get me wrong. Life also has alot of wonderful moments. But ask ourselves honestly, human beings always have tendency to focus on the bad things rather than the good. Time to change our mindset too!

PS again: As you read this post. Are you focused more on the word "PROBLEMS" or the principle that I am trying to bring across?


Anonymous said...

Very encouraging bro! Let me link this in Trybe can?
Hope to see you again.

Joel said...

Hey Ee Jay, you are a great example of this principal in practice. :) You are an inspiration to me!