"... But real heros aren't glittering images on a TV or movie screen; they don't come in for a one-night stand at a rock concert or sports event. True heroes are there for the long haul, and you can see their weaknesses along with their strengths.... Heroes aren't just talk, their walk bears out who and what they are." - Josh McDowell & Dick Day, How To Be A Hero To Your Kids
We are who we are today because there have been some people whom made a difference in our journey of life. Whether it was a unique moment, or special season, they came and left a great imprint within us that changed our lives and the way we look at things since then.
These people are
I have many heros in my life too and in this year, watch out for my exciting series as I introduce them to you and share with you how they have created an everlasting impact in my life.
Watch out for HEROS REVEALED!
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