[Disclaimer: This post has been rated PG by the author. In any case if you are stumbled, responsibility will not be borne by the author]
Well... I bet I have caught your eyes with this attention-grabbing title right?
These past few days, I have observed some disturbing matters which really caught my attention and shocked me totally! Check out this news article from NewPaper on 25th August...
Gosh! Teenagers today, regardless of their academics standards, are engaging in sexual activities at a really young age.. and not to mention even without protection measures! And this article even highlights that most of our teenagers do not know anything much about sex and sexuality i.e. can get pregnant after having sex, STDs...etc. Then why in the world do they still get involved not knowing the potential dangers that lie ahead?
Check out this next article which is even more disturbing....
Having sex with the boyfriend just because out of boredom?!?! My goodness!What infuriates me most was this... this teenage couple only tried using condoms as an experiment and it was purely out for fun! And having nothing better else to do, each time they came together, all they did was just having sex! *Faintz*
Another shocking article...
Having no idea how a woman can get pregnant? Having no idea that one can contact STDs from unprotected sex? This teenage girl ended up having unprotected sex 4 times a week with a man more than twice her age!And check this out... despite having discovered this man's real identity, this girl still refused to leave the guy, but still want to stick with him just because he is caring. Honestly think about it, do you think this girl will have a future or even get married with this guy?
It's really shocking to hear that young people today grow up with rather loose moral standards. Of course we can push all the blame on the Internet and new media that has been bombarding our youths' minds today with all sorts of sexually stimulating materials. Just a stroll on the MRT cabin, or picking up an islandwide popular free newspaper, you will catch a full view advertisement as this....What do you think goes through the teenagers' mind when they see such advertisements? And not to mention all the magazines displayed in stores which shows scantily dressed women on the front cover. It's really difficult to walk around without seeing ANY advertisement that is promoting its product without using any tinge of sexuality to draw the crowds' attention. Honestly, I am rather disgusted at how perverse and low the methods have become. Internet, blogs, social networking websites.... these platforms have become tools which speed up the process or made easy a teenager's access to these sexual materials.
Having said that, we can't just throw all the blame on new media. On the other end, Education has got to play an important role as well. Honestly, the law and ministry system will always play second fiddle to the degree that new media is penetrating to our teenagers. But what should be of key importance is really considering pushing sexual education to the teens at a younger age and allowing them to have avenues where they can be free to share some of their struggles without being condemned by the adults or laughed at by friends.
This is the challenging scenario right now: Without proper and healthy way of sex education, the teenagers grow up clueless about sex and sexuality. And with the bombardment of provocative pictures and sexually connotative materials from the new media, youths seems to hit puberty at an earlier age and they are keen to find out more and experiment in this area. However, without the proper curriculum in place to teach them about the dangers and consequences of unsafe sex or premarital sex, AND with adults still seeing SEX as a taboo topic to talk about with young people, the only place they learn about sexuality will be from the new media and the friends around whom have tried the 'forbidden fruit' before!
Some of my personal comments....
To the boys: There is no denying that we are hot blooded and testosterone-driven at this young age and want to explore our sexuality. However, do not be distorted by what you see in the TV programmes and Internet. Do not be rash to jump into sexual activities in your relationships. You can have a healthy, fulfilling relationship with your girlfriend without engaging in sexual activities. Use the brain on your head to think rationally, not the brain below your waist which is always irrational. The only difference between human beings and animals is that human beings know how to control our sexual urges and desires. Don't be an animal!
To the girls: Learn to guard and protect yourself, especially your emotions. Don't be sweet talked by guys into giving away your body to prove your love. You don't need to have sex to proof your love to your boyfriend. If your boyfriend does demands sex to prove your love, than I think such a boyfriend is not worthy to have, you can jolly well abandon this relationship. Learn to draw boundaries in your relationship with your boyfriend and not allow him to touch you in places that are forbidden. At the end of the day, you would want a boyfriend whom cares and love you for the way you are and who you are, not for what you can do with him (sex). 要学着自爱!!!
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