Did I manage to catch you attention with the headlines? Haha... I was sharing with some student through my Cyber Wellness lessons that in blogging, one of the ways to catch peoples' attention to read your blog further would be using a shocking headline.
Well, I didn't literally experience near death like an accident or what at Bedok Reservoir. It was just that I was almost out of breath by the time I reached Bedok Reservoir during my marathon training run on Monday. *duh*
Check out my marathon training till date. I clocked in 11KM on Monday! *Yay!!*
This was the furthest distance ran till date for me. But what was disappointing was that I really took a much longer time. I had set a target of 1 hour 15 min, but ended up in 1 hour 30 min! A couple of probable reasons as I sat down to reflect after the run:

2. I tried a new route and wasn't mentally prepared. I changed my mind halfway through the run and opted for a new route. I couldn't visualize what was ahead and soon I really regretted embarking on this untried journey. When the dreaded feeling sets in, I also lost the momentum and desire to run. I just felt like stopping to walk my way home. But with every last ounce of my willpower, I literally dragged myself through and forbid myself to walk. It was really a battlefield in the mind.
My 20 Cents worth of Thoughts:
Interestingly, isn't that much about how our daily living is as well?
We all need a friend alongside us to spur and encourage us on. Especially when we are going through tough times, it really means a lot to have someone stand by you cheering, encouraging and motivating you on.
Many times when the odds are stacked against us, we really really feel like throwing in the towel. Our spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak. Someone may be blowing smoke from a cigarette in your face tempting you to try smoking, and if you don't, he taunts you for being a cowardly chicken. Do you give in?
Trust me guys and girls, many time you have to exercise your willpower in making decisions and not allow your feelings get in the way. If you strongly believe in the values and principles that were taught to you by your parents and teachers, then will yourselves to follow it. Do not just blindly follow your feelings and end up walking the road of regrets.
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