8.5KM. That's the distance I covered today. Not too bad considering that this was my third run within a span of four days! I felt good after the run and could still have gone on to complete 10KM. But the aroma of my Mum's cooking was just too alluring to be ignored, so I headed home instead.
A random thought... 13 years ago, I could never imagine myself jogging. To me then, you might as well kill me if you want me to run! Why? Check out this photo below and you will understand why... (can you spot me?)

Ok Ok... back to the more serious stuff...
Something that I reflected and learned from my run today. Because I was running along the road, I had to take occasional pauses due to traffic lights (Yes, I am a good citizen whom only occasionally jay-walk, but not all the time!). These pauses helped me to catch my breathe and actually helped me a lot in lasting the distance to complete the run. I figured that if I had ran at a constant pace without stopping, I probably wouldn't have lasted 8.5KM. Maybe at 5KM I would have been breathless and took the short-cut home!
Isn't it something like life? Sometimes we go through life at such break-neck speed and try to accomplish many things at one time. We multi-task, work late, bring work home, constantly checking our email on our BlackBerry/PDA/iPhones... The culture, technology and environment we live in never seem to know how to slow down!
That's why, all the more, we need to INTENTIONALLY take pauses along the way to relax, recuperate, regroup and reorganize. It helps to be more effective and efficient in the work that we do. It helps us to last this frantic pace of life without breaking down or burning out.
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