Check out my marathon training route today with Semukun... 10KM!!
We did it in approximately 1 hour WITHOUT stopping... and Boy... We really ran our lungs, calves, ankles, knees, hamstrings out! We were still crapping happily for almost 3/4 of the run. But by the time we hit 8KM, we could barely catch our breathe. Crapping ceased, silence took over with heavy panting and gasping for air.. It was all serious business from then on as we worked our way up the final stretch of Depot Road 10-degree slopes which was tormenting!

No money to flag cab...
No EZ-Link card to catch a bus ride...
All we had was each other, and We Are In This Together!
Finishing the 10KM today means more than just marathon training, or exercising. (---> Check out the fat boy photo. I don't want to be like that again! Yikes!) But it speaks volumes about Commitment to finish what we started out together.
"In the fast-food society we live in today, Commitment is a cheap word. We can easily start out on something, and once we hit the bumps, we throw in the towel. We don't care whom gets hurt or left behind, all we care is about ourselves. Friendships, work, studies, relationships..... everything has become wishy-washy or broken today because of the lack of commitment."Do you have an issue with being committed and following through what you do today?
Don't just take the easy way out. Learn to finish what you started.
Special thanks to Semukun! Thanks for the inspirational run today man. Greatly appreciate the commitment (both vocal and silent period) through the run. Let's get Mr Bang Bang to join us too!
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