I choose to be UNcomfortable!!! Had a painful experience this morning... went for medical review for my ankle. Injured my left ankle early this year in a freak accident.. slipped off a drain cover on rainy day and landed in awkward position.. *so malu* Anyway....
So far seems like the ankle is recovering ok already, just that prolonged exercise will cause nagging pain. Doctor say that is normal, but i told him it bothers me when i run too long or play soccer, which are events that i wanna get back to. So he suggested that i take an injection... anti-inflammation drugs that will help speed up process with better recovery. But the doctor did warn that minor percentage of people do get some side effects... but that is REALLY only the minorty.. about 10%... Phew!
So I went ahead with the injection... and i am proud to say i belong to part of the 10% group of population! *Tian Ah!!!* Right now after the injection, my ankle is sore and bit swollen, but doctor did mention that it should go down in a day or two's time.
At that moment, i was think "Alamak, God.. how come like that... suppose to become better but now more painful. Last time can walk normally but now i am back to limping because of the pain liao.." Suddenly, I was being reminded... that the initial road to recovery is moving out into the uncomfortable realm. If I were to be comfortable to where i used to be and refused to venture into the uncomfortable zone to conquer it, my condition would just stagnate and never have greater phase of recovery.
Such a thought dawns upon me that similarly many times in life we are always afraid to venture into the unknown, or uncomfortable zone. I never used to be comfortable with sharing up front with many people. More than just being timid, but i was afraid that i would be laughed at and i always like to compare myself with others around me. So time and again, whenever i was given the opportunity to share with many people, i backed out. Soon, this FEAR element grew and expanded bigger in me... I feared saying grace before meals in front of many people, i feared to share the gospel with my friends, i feared talking to female friends, i feared my parents and church leaders... basically i almost feared everything!
One day i questioned myself... "How come i am living such a defeated life as a Christian?? I have heard so many testimonies from friends on how their life changed for the better after they knew God. How come mind was still wallowing in the mud of life? Gosh! This cannot be happening! I must get out of this deadly FEAR cycle! God please help me!"
Since that day, i started to open up with my friends and leaders in church and shared with them my struggle towards FEAR. And they were always encouraging and praying for me. I slowly learnt to take up small opportunities to lead and in doing things... slowly but significantly riding on this confidence. I knew it wasn't something that i conjur up with, definitely from God because i always feel a sense of peace in my heart whenever i stepped out.
Now... I am leading a youth group, co-leading another young adults group in NUS, at times leading worship in cell group meetings. Not just church events.. but thru the past years, i have shared my research works at major conferences with thousands of experts, spoken to parliament ministers and also help out in youth volunteer programs where i get to speak in front of many young lives!
The results why i am able to do it now is because i chose to step out and not wallow in the mud of fear. And as i stepped out, i was greatly blessed to have wonderful support and encouragements from my friends and family around me (right). Thank God once again for bringing such people to my life! Indeed, it is 100% man, 100% God. It's not as if we just pray and expect things to drop from heaven. But as we make effort to step out, we have faith in God that He will lead us through! (Read Psalms 23)
Yes! Are we slowly being caught up into the norms of daily life? Or are we also wallowing in the mud of FEAR? Time to really be "uncomfortable" and move out of our comfort zone! =) Let God lead the way for you!
Ah! Daddy, i didn't know u went for injection! =P must b painful but im proud u went ahead... yup, Daddy know Nu Er lovs to sweep sweep & slp slp... hahaz,but Nu Er will overcome my fear someday just because my Daddy had walked the journey & overcome it...=P
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