And the Oscar goes to....."If your life were a movie, would it be a good one?" - tagline from Singapore Navy commercial
At first, i thought this was just another silly commercial by government in trying to get young men to sign on for Navy.. so i literally just brushed it off and never paid much attention to it. Until about a week or so back, when i was waiting for the MRT to arrive, i just stared at the big screen board and watched this commercial again. And suddenly this tagline just hit me straight in my face!
A thought came to my mind..
"Ee Jay... if your life were to be made into a movie, what kind of movie would it be? Would it be a good one? Box office hit? Or just like a B-graded movie?"

But what is the motivation? Is it just so that we can feel good about ourselves and looking forward to get affirmations and applause from people? Or rather is it from a sincere and compassionate heart that chooses to bless others without expecting anything in return? Sounds silly right? But i believe it takes a person of great character, integrity and faith to do such a thing.... and i have just the perfect example.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. - 1 John 3:16
We may not have realised... but that special desire in our hearts are God shaped, such that we would continue God's work of serving our neighbours and blessing the people around us... such that the legacy would always continue. But sad to say, many of us have overlooked or even denied this God shaped desire...
If your life were made into a movie, would it be a good one? Stop running your own show.. it doesn't work this way. Acknowledge the director (God) and follow His instructions carefully.. definitely gonna be a box office hit!
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