Apr 13, 2006
Posted by Mr.Keropok

Make or Break!

"Your words can make someone go the extra mile" - GEM Advertisement posters seen in MRT stations

Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. - James 3:5-6

This is so precise... the words that come out from our mouths have the power to bless, speak affirmations, encouragements and praises. Yet, it is from the same mouth, that we can also speak words of condemnation, negativity, vulgarities and even curses! God has given human beings freewill, meaning in everything, we all have a choice. A choice to either speak words of encouragement or words that tears down another person.

Negative words really have a serious impact on our lives, some of us may not admit it (thinking that we are very strong emotionally), but unknowingly it does eat into us. Just yesterday night I was having a short chat over the MSN with one of my church youths and she was sharing with me how upset and frustrated she was over what her schoolmate scolded her over the MSN chatline. I didn't ask too much into what the topic was about.. but i knew she was pretty badly affected. Emotionally, she was feeling quite vexed and frustrated with this person.. the thought of it again just agitates her more. It affected how she related with her other friends at that moment too. Usually when a person is upset, even the words spoken or SMS typed are usually in the unhappy manner. We didn't have much time to talk further.. but by guessing, it may have affected her work too. As much as it had affect this youth herself, it has also indirectly affected the people around her too.

We all have the freewill of choice in our lives. We can choose to reject negative and condemning words that come along... sometimes it may even mean stopping a conversion which is making you angry and frustrated. For some of us, we can choose to speak words of positivity, affirmations, encouragements rather than words which may put others down. Guess it's time we really learn to be sensitive to the people around us and be wise in our speech.

My church leader once told me before..."There is no need to judge the person whom speak against or misunderstand us.. at times even no point trying to hard to justify and reason it out. God is our judge and vindicator.. He justifies us."