No Easy Way Out!
On Saturday I took cab down to church and had an interesting conversation with the uncle driving the cab. We were just chatting about family, career and the topic of money came out...
EeJay: Wah uncle.. so you buy 4-D and TOTO lah?
Cab Uncle: Haha.. Yah lah.. got lah.. buy alittle bit every month.
EeJay: Oh I see... so how much you spend on 4-D and TOTO per month?
Cab Uncle: Ehh... I think about $200-300 a month on 4-D. Then few dollars on TOTO lor.
EeJay: Wow! And every month you will buy? So far got win any prize?
Cab Uncle: Hah! Don't have yet... not so lucky lah...
EeJay: Hmm.. but you will still buy every month and everytime same number?
Cab Uncle: Yah.. I buy me, my wife and my children's age.. different combination. Aiyoo.. you know ah.. Singapore very stressful life ah.. must buy 4-D, TOTO.. must gamble a bit to take away stress ah....
EeJay: Oh I see.... Hmm.. *stare out of window and ponders* Well.. I do agree that Singapore lifestyle may be pretty much on the stressful and hectic side... but to say that gambling is a healthy form of stress reliever? That's hard for me to swallow. Maybe we have never seen 4-D, TOTO as a form of gambling because these are so much integral part of our lives! You can practically see the betting shops sitting right spack in the central of each estate in Singapore now and many more franchise outlets are opening up too! Maybe we never saw 4-D , TOTO as gambling.. but rather "Betting".. Our minds are so used to linking "Gambling" with the something that is illegal and the term "Betting" is something which is legal and approved by government!
Guess the point i am driving here is not about gambling, but rather how are we living our lives in the midst of stress and heavy burden we face from daily life issues! Stress, expectations and demands are constantly surrounding us... (1) As a student, we face stress from studies and peer pressure, expectations from teachers and parents, demands to achieve good results; (2) When we come out to work, we face stress from deadlines and increasing workload, expectations of superiors to deliver results, demands from clients of better products and even office politics here and there; (3) When we start a family, we face stress on providing for family and raising children, expectations on ourselves to be a better parents and at times even demand "results" to be delivered from our children! Doesn't this whole matter look like a vicious cycle?
But yet.. THIS IS LIFE! We may be able to make adjustments and minor changes here and there, but the main crux of things happening will still be the same. You will still face similar demands, expectations and stress from daily affairs! We can't change much of that. But one thing that is within our control.. is how we live our lives in the midst of facing all these things. Many times we try to divert our attention by turning to gambling, gaming, smoking and even drugs! Maybe it does help you relieve stress for the moment... but it definitely doesn't take away the stress, but in fact may cause you more problems! Guess as human, we are always looking for the shortcuts and easy way out in life.. but in my short journey in life, i have come to realise that shortcuts lead to deadends, easy way lead to detours in life! Like i said, we can't change the situations we are in, but we can change and choose the kind of outlook to adopt in life in light of what we face!
I just heard news over this weekend that my uncle has lung cancer and is in the critical stage... the cancerous cells have spread to most parts of the body and including the brain. Now he is warded in hospital and taking heavy dosages of morphine to numb the pain in the body. I do not have solutions... neither does my family, relatives nor any friends out there. I was struck dumbfounded a while when i heard the news.. at a loss of what to do and sadden that such a situation has happened. But i told myself that the very least that i can do it to pray.. for my uncle, the family and the whole situation... that even in midst of crisis, a miracle or even something good will come out of it! I choose not to be depressed and wallow in my sorrows, but rather pick myself up and do whatever i can.1Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. - Romans 5:1-5
Futile? Meaningless? May not result to anything? I don't care what others may say... at least I choose to do something, even if it was something small and little.... at least I choose to believe in miracles.... at least I have a hope in life! When there are problems, it doesn't mean that you are defeated. The way you handle and react to the problem determines your victory!
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