Oct 30, 2006

Blogging - A Year of Conquest!

Posted by Mr.Keropok

Click on the banner above and check out this cool blog! I help to start it up as part of publicity for an upcoming workshop for teachers and educators. Feel free to share with some of your friends and teachers too! If they are keen to come for this mini workshop, can drop me an email @ stargazer20736@yahoo.com

Currently I have 8 blogs under my listings... and not to mention that I only started blogging in this year March! I knew nothing about blogging when I first started, and it took me 3 months before I dared to publicise this blog out to everyone! But I am glad I did it and conquered an area I wasn't really familiar with.

In whatever we do, especially in areas which we feel we are not good in or new things which we want to venture into (pls do not think smoking or drugs as ventures.. they are harmful!) , we need to make effort, be persistence and never give up no matter how difficult it may be.

What is it that we are facing now?.... Exams? Problems? Challenges in life? Press in.. Don't give up!

[If you are really stressed out from work at this moment, feel free to drop me an email @ stargazer20736@yahoo.com =)]