I stumbled upon an article on the Internet which talks about the perception of colors..."As humans we react and respond to different colors in very distinct ways. Color can control our emotions, behavior, and mood. Different cultures have also linked specific colors to specific objects. Different genders may also respond to colors in a variety of ways..... GREEN is said to be the most soothing color for to the human eye. It is the color of renewal and freshness. It became associated with fertility, abundance, and growth because it reappeared in springtime after the colorless winter. The color also represents harmony and radiates a feeling of fullness. In history, brides wore the green wedding gowns to symbolize their fertility!..." - quoted from Sana Dada's article
Why I took special note of the color Green was because I noticed there has been an increased number of green colored objects that I was carrying or evident around my house! Click here to check it out!
Coming back to reality.. each individual color does have specific perception to the human eye. But does that mean we have to dress ourselves up like a green lantern just so that we would appear pleasing, refreshing to the people around us? Or so that people can see us as abundant and full on stature? Gosh! If things really work this way, then I would either be dressed in rainbow colors everyday or I would need to bring many different colored sets of clothings out everyday for the right occasion!
We are who we are, living out our personality, character and behaviour from the inside out. In each of us is a special personality, a unique character and a flexible behavioural profile which respond accordingly to the different situations. Stop living in the shadow of others and trying to be who you are not. Neither do we need to suit ourselves up just to please the people around us, but rather living out our own uniqueness and learn to be aware, accept and adapt to the differences around us. That's what make you and I special!
PS: By the way, I do look good in green right? Wahahahahah......
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