Dec 29, 2006

Your Gratitude Determines Your Magnitude

Posted by Mr.Keropok

What do you see in the picture here? Is it a donut or a hole?

Silly question? Well, but that is just how different everyone of us looks at life. Some of us see alot of DONUTS around us (positive attitude, mindset, opportunities..etc), while others see alot of 'HOLES' instead (negativity, cannot-make-it attitude..etc). A true commendable character is one who learns to see the 'donuts' even in the midst of downturns and crisis. Ultimately, it is a CHOICE whether you want to see the donut or see the hole. Why make your life so miserable but focusing on the hole? CHOOSE to see the donut!

As you look back at 2006, take time to pen down the wonderful things that have happened for you. Then sit back, be thankful in your heart for all these amazing things that have happened. =)

Life is beautiful.. But do you choose to see it that way? It's YOUR choice!


Anonymous said...

Am thankful for all the things that have happened in 2006.. here are some highlights in a nutshell...

1. Graduated from NUS masters
2. Found a job which I am passionate in!
3. A closer relationship with my parents even though I was busy and hardly spend time at home.
4. Completed my physical challenge limit - 100km walk, vertical marathon and 42km marathon.
5. Built strong relationships with the youths I mentor and work with.
6. A good health! I fell ill much lesser times than last year!

Feel free to share your thanksgiving too! Nothing is too small to be thankful about!

Hole or Donut? Your choice! =)