Many of you have been asking me where I have disappeared to in the past two month as I haven't been updating on my blog. Well, here's a quick update on what I've been doing these past two months. Enjoy!
Standard Chartered Marathon 42KM Singapore Marathon
I survived my 3rd marathon in 4 years, clocking in at 6 hours 26 minutes. Many have asked me, "Why in the world do you pay money to suffer?". My answer is always the same... Pushing myself to the limits and believing that I can achieve something that I cannot humanly fathom I can do. I want I can! =D
Holiday Trip to Kuala Lumpur
Took a week long holiday trip to KL with a bunch of friends. Indeed it was a wonderful time of R.E.S.T - Relaxing, Eating, Shopping and Touring around KL. Next time anyone of you want to go KL, look for me! I will introduce you to all my KL friends whom can show you around! =D
Christmas Party
A bunch of my church youths organized a Christmas Party at my place. So proud of them that they anchored the entire event - the decoration, the food, the games and even the cleaning up. A wonderful warm and cosy time of sharing the true meaning of Christmas with our friends as well!
Combined Cell Group Camp @ PraiseHaven, Salvation Army
Immediately after Christmas, I headed off for a combined cell group camp where we had a time of re-looking back at Year 2008 and being thankful of what has happened. A good opportunity also for everyone to catch up and time to bond with one another. Lotsa fun too especially with the 'Fruity' fun game! =P
Countdown Party 2008 @ TOUCH Centre
Ended the year 2008 in a celebrative mood with the Countdown Party in church. The theme for the party was 'Occupation'. Check out some of the crazy ideas that came out from this. All in all, everyone was game for the dress up and we have tonnes of fun just snapping photos away! What a way to usher in the new year! Woohoo!

My new year resolution would be 'Daring to live life on the cutting edge'! So as to inspire others around me that we can step out courageously and achieve things that we never have imagined about if we choose to believe! =D
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