SURE WIN INVESTMENT!!!!I remembered that I slumped and slouched in front of my TV about a week ago as i watched my supported soccer team, Manchester United, get beaten by Chelsea 3-0... and to make matters worse, this was the game which sealed the championship. It was disappointing because Man Utd had put up a terrific series of wins in the last 10 games to catch up and narrow the gap with Chelsea. But in the end, consistency and stability under pressure proved to be the winning element. Chelsea had been the better team throughout the whole season and well deserved the title. They lasted the race and finished strong. Hats off to them.... Come next season, the cycle of chasing, winning and losing begins again.
Matthew 6:19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
It dawned upon me once again the question: "We pursue many things in life today... but what are the things that will last forever?" Studies? Money? Career? Yes, I do agree that these are important things that we need to work hard for and our livelihood will depend on these things.. but is that what life is all about? Chasing after good grades.... chasing after money and climbing up the corporate ladder? Such a cycle simple repeats itself in the different phases of our life. And yet non of these things can be taken along with us when we pass away.
I am not saying that we should just slump back, give up on life and wait for money and food to drop from heaven. But rather in the journey of life, we should learn to focus our attention on things that will last forever, or that will have continuous impact. And one example is lives of people around us... our loved ones, our friends, or even people whom you may not know but you choose to reach out to them. A life is influenced and touched when someone chooses to reach out and bless. There will be times of inconveniences, times where our patience and love is being tested, times of joy and times of tears. The odds are heavily stacked against us... But we still choose to give because there has been many previous examples of people whom have gone the extra mile, impacted our lives and left a lasting impression in us. For me, one classic example is Jesus Christ... son of God but came and lived as a mortal, endured all the accusations and pain just for me... simply because He loves me for who I am. I may not have all the good grades, talents, looks, money, good family background.... but Jesus still loves me.
Want to make the biggest sure win investment in life? Invest in Jesus, whom will teach you to invest in lives. The greatest reward is not monetary returns or good results in school.. but rather lives transformed and lives which will pass on the legacy which you have passed to them! =)
Amen to what you have written, bro! =)
Just want to affirm you that you do have a language that speak into the youths' hearts. Continue to jia you for your blogging adventure! =)
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