Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." - John 20:29
Dropping in a testimony from one of my church youths who came to know Christ during last year Spook Show and was recently baptised in February 2006! Hallelujah! The reality and power of God is seen in a life transformed! Ordinary lives, Extraordinary God!
Junjie's Baptism Testimony
Before I came to know Christ, I kept thinking that there was no one else out there who could share in my woes, and sadness. I wasn’t able to confide in my friends, family or any relatives, because I felt they were so different from me and could never understand what I was going through. When I started secondary education in Anglican High School, things started to worsen. I was surrounded and influenced in an environment of vulgarities and pornography. Most of my friends scolded vulgarities and thus, I thought that it was normal and so picked up this habit too.
As my workload in secondary school started to increase rapidly, with frequent projects and tests, I did not have any outlet to vent my stress and frustration. Hence, I started to vent my anger at my family members. I started being harsh to my younger brother, yelled at my mum and dad over small things, and even have thoughts to leave home for good sometimes. Family ties were rapidly deteriorating and I find myself gradually drawing a distance away from my family. I stopped going out with my family members, lied to them that I have homework to do and spent my time to play computer games, thinking that it was the only way out of my misery.
In my secondary 2 year, I rebelled against my class teachers, by not observing rules and regulations, believing that this was a “heroic” act. Instead, I got nothing out of it and turned my attention to stealing money to satisfy my desires for popular card games and arcade gaming. Things took a turn for me in Secondary 3. Academic results were gradually declining for me and I was constantly stressed and uptight unnecessarily about my studies.
Then one day, a classmate of mine (Ying Qi) invited me for the Spook Show. Without even giving it a serious thought, I went for it. The main reason I went for the show was to relax and take my mind away from my studies. At the end of the show, Pastor Khong shared about Christ and how He suffered on the Cross to bring us back to God. I suddenly realized the extent of God’s love for me and that the consequences for every vulgarity I scolded or every selfish acts I have done was more than I could bear. I really needed God to help me. At that very moment when Pastor Khong gave the altar call, I immediately raised up my hand to receive salvation. Since then, my life has taken a U-turn for a better course. God ministered to me the care and love that I longed for through His Word, my cell leader and the spiritual family that He has placed me in.
Step by step, I began to apply every lesson my cell leader taught me into practice. At the Encounter Camp in December 2005, I learnt about the power of forgiveness and much the sins of our lives could entangle us. There and then, I sought the Lord for forgiveness for my sins, and release forgiveness to the friends and loved one whom I felt had hurt me alot. I left Encounter Camp very refreshed and ready to embark on this new journey with God.
In the start, all was tough as I have to constantly make effort to prevent myself from falling back into my old ways. I opened up more to my family and progressively rebuild my family ties with the help of God. Now, I have a good relationship with my parents and relatives. In addition, my studies have improved significantly despite of having to attend cell groups on weekdays and services on weekends. I recognized that these are all the works of God and thus, decided to commit more into his hands I know that for anything I do to bless Him, He will multiply and prosper me back with so much more in return. I believe that God has worked in my life and even as I looked back, I was glad that I came to know Christ.

EeJay's Tribe
16 years old
Anglican High School
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