Terry Fox, Derek Redmond, Henry Wanyoike and Dick & Rick Hoyts. These names may sound very foreign or alien to you, but to me, these people are legendary heros! (If you have the time, I strongly encourage you to read their stories, really moving and inspiring!) I have always been very drawn and intrigued by inspirational real life stories. Heroic stories can also be found on TV shows and movies, but most of the time after watching them, we have the mentality, "Aiya.. it's only a movie mah.. the director dramatise everything lah! Impossible in real life one!" That's wrong! It's POSSIBLE in real life too!!!!
I made a new friend at my workplace this past week and he's been guiding me along in my work, like a mentor to me. Little did I know that I have been working alongside a lengendary hero all this while! Check out his life story (part 1) below, "From Dusk till Dawn"......

Most people will think that all drug addicts are all begging on the streets and most probably poor with little or no money. Heroin addicts are one of the neatest and cleanest people I have met in my life. They are meticulous in what they do placing emphasis in their daily appearance. Don’t ask me why but that’s what I knew. I lost my best friend to heroin. From an untidy bum in dressing, he became the neatest dresser I have ever seen. Maybe it’s the paranoia derived from the effect of the drug – the fear of being spotted as a drug user. I never dared to try heroin. It’s expensive and most never quit. Most importantly, I have seen how it had destroyed my friend’s life and that’s another story of its own. Now to continue with my own story……
There are many different kinds of drugs in the market. From prescriptive drugs like Dormicums (a sedative for sleeping) to controlled drugs like Marijuana, Ketamine or Ecstasy, each has its unique “high” and usage for the user. Even controlled drugs are classified into different classes in the eyes of the law here. (www.cnb.gov.sg) From Class A to Class C (a bit like your plane tickets – Economy Class or Business Class?), each different drug gives you a different trip altogether. I have tried most of the things available in the market – prescriptive to illegal. I was really into anti-depressants and marijuana. This is due to my depressive nature, maniac depressive they termed it. I need it for everything and every occasion. Without it, fishing will not be as fun, a movie will not be as enjoyable – well, you get the picture. As you guessed, the tentacles of addiction crept into all aspects of my life. Simply put it this way – I cannot function properly without it, not knowing that I have became a slave to drugs……
(to be continued... please stay tuned...)
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