It seems like there has been this buzz or trend going around in recent years about EMO people, but yet no one seems to be able to pin point down a definition for it. So what really does being EMO means?
Does EMO means Emotional? Based on the facts that most emo people tend to let emotions overrule their brains and either burst out in mood swings or do silly things on themselves. Emotional??
I beg to differ. I believe we are all created as emotional being... that's why we have emotions and will laugh, cry, be sad...etc. I am no specialist in psychology or counseling, but I would related emo people as people whom are emotionally unstable. Overwhelming and challenging situations i.e. BGR breakup or stress stirs up that sense of fear or hopelessness within a person such that his/her emotional capacity is unable to handle it. And thus the person breaks down by taking it out on themselves i.e. self mutilation, hiding in one corner crying, refusing to talk.
It's really sad to see people dwindle down to this emo road, and I think as friends and support groups, we should and must encircle them to help and encourage them rather than ridicule or make fun of them. Don't be too quick in passing judgment!Dangerously, there is an increasing trend of young people seeking to become emo! Their definition of emo has become a fashion trend of Gothic dressing and dark eye linings, and many of them choose to be like that even though they are not! They even think that self harm is a fashionable trend to follow! Gosh!
Think before you act. Before you jump into following a world wide culture, engage your brains to think if it does you more good than harm. Don't be Emo-Mo-Mo!!
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