Baby Ee Jay - Gosh! I forgot what age this was, but i sure look cute then yeah?
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." - Psalms 139:13-14
Age 10 - Don't I look like Tom Cruise from The Last Samurai?
This was the interesting journey of growing up as the only child in the family. I had almost all the latest toys in the world to play with, but still i felt lonely. I still remembered whenever my parents bought toys for me, i would always want to get the "good guys". Those were the times of He-man, Ultraman, Transformers..etc. However, my parents were busy working and had no time for me then too. My best friend then would have to be Optimus Prime (a Tranformer toy).
Evolution Phase I - A time where I really look like WWF wrestler in the making.
Evolution Phase II - End of Secondary 1, and a Sumo Wrestling Champion is birthed!
Evolution Phase III - Reigning in at 80KG, no one could topple me man!
These 5 years (1990-1995) of my life must have been the saddest. I went through a time of low self esteem, depression and had no friends around me. Main reason was that I was fat and nobody liked to hang around me. Wherever i went, i would be teased by people. I remembered during a PE lesson in Primary 3, because i forgot to wear PE attire that day, the teacher force me to take off my shirt and run around the school compound as punishment! I felt humiliated and transferred to another school. Secondary school didn't get any better, apart from being teased, i also lost focus on my studies. In terms of grades, i was always in the top 3..... from behind. I barely scrapped through the O-levels and went onto to Junior College.
Xtreme Makeover!! A result of countless skipped lectures and accummulated hours on the basketball court playing soccer! =P
I enjoyed my time in Tampines Junior College alot, where i excelled both in studies and my CCA. And this was the time where i started slimming down.... no more Fatty Bum Bum!!! I began to have more friends around me and everyday we would hang out together after school. I felt happy that i was well accepted by people around me.
In my studies, I wasn't a Chemistry, Biology and Economics student, so I chose Maths and Physics subject combination and excelled in them. I was treasurer in the Track & Field team and Ten-Pin Bowling Club. For my A-levels exams, i did really well, scoring 3A's! Now i was beginning to feel like a champion.... I am good in my studies, good in sports and well liked by friends!
Gone are the old days... gone are the ghost of Fatty Bum Bum!
Millenium year 2000 - Catching a breather of cool air and fun after a week of cheonging mountains in Kao Hsiung, Taiwan.
My life went downhill again during Army period. Sianz... socially detached from the world out there, and i am stuck in camps, everyday and everyone is wearing the same uniform. Worse of all, constantly being ordered around by people to do dirty jobs. It was the time of my life where i saw what the real world was like, one where vulgarities, pornography, drugs, homosexuality, back stabbing reigned. My heart was crying out, "Is that what life is all about? So unfair? So clique?"
The good side of Army was that it taught me to be discipline, independent and challenged me to really think what i want to do with my life when i finished my National Service.
"Do I want to be the same as everyone else, chasing after fame and fortune? Find girlfriend, get married, have family, then die? Is that all about life?"
"Nooo..... suddenly I remembered my childhood dream, that i always yearned to be like a superhero... someone whom would be different and also make a difference to the world around me. I know i can't change the world, but at least i can make an impact in the little world around me.... hmm... Yes!!!"
Finally, after 4 years of hard work in University, I graduated!! Who do I resemble? My mum or dad?
When I first entered NUS, someone shared with me about Jesus. Though i believe (cos i came from christian secondary school), but i was passive and reluctant about it because i always had the connotation in my mind that Christianity came with a heavy price tag of commitment and i was not ready for that. I just wanted to live my own life and be happy. All those previous thoughts about making a difference can be put aside first. My concerns are more important.
Then, within three weeks of my NUS life, something tragic happened. My close friend from Army, whom was also my room mate in hostel, passed away. This incident made me spiral into a train of thoughts. What is the meaning of life? Life is so fragile and unpredictable, I dun even know what's gonna happen to me the next moment! Are we born just to go through a life cycle and die? There must be something more to life than just death.....
Suddenly I remembered about my friend whom constantly invited me to church and shared about God with me. I wondered if i could find my answered there... but at that junction where i had no other places to turn to, i walked into church and gave it a try....
The joy and hope of my life.
Since that day, my life has never been the same again. I began to find a new sense of purpose and direction in my life. It didn't happened immediately in a zap, but through the journey of coming to church, hearing sermons, reading the bible, i slowly began to know more about the Christian faith. Each time i gathered with my christian friends or when i am in church, i really felt the peace in my heart, something which i have never experienced in my life before. It was that sense of assurance that no matter who you are, what you have done... someone up there love you! And i don't need to do special deeds just to gain affirmations or recognition. I know i am special in the eyes of God!
These young boys above are youths that i am currently leading now. They are the joy and hope of my life, and i love them just like my own children. And it is through them, that i am learning to be a good father figure.
Remembered my childhood dream of becoming a superhero that can touch many lives? Well...i can't save the world still, but i know God has made me a hero to every young lives that i am taking care of now, so that i can speak into and impart to them, helping them to become heros to a new generation of youths in the near future. World changer and historymaker? It is possible.. but only through God. =)
Guess all these may sound quite churchy stuff to most people. But i just want to testify of how great God has been in my life. Good things are meant to be shared. If someone out there has invited you to church or shared with you about Jesus, why not take a step of faith forward and give it a try. Trust me that you will be blessed in many ways... and you will know it on hindsight. That's faith. =)
Thank God that He is a God who transforms us! :) Thanks bro bongwhale for sharing your life with us here.
Yes, come and taste that the Lord is good!!! :)
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