Sep 28, 2006

My Plan for "World" Domination... Huh?!?!

Posted by Mr.Keropok

I NEVER gaming in my journey of growing up. I still remembered that the last computer game that I played was Championship Manager 2 back in secondary school days! And ever since then, I have never touched computer games nor followed the evolvement of computer gaming.

World of Warcraft. DOTA. Counterstrike. Maple Story. These are just some of the common online games which youths play nowadays. There's something more! You can even build up your virtual gaming characters to great levels and sell them on eBay for money! So other than having a great sense of achievement in online gaming, one actually can even earn a livelihood out of online games!

Gosh! I am super "sua ku" and outdated again when it comes to online gaming. Just when I thought I achieved something great by stepping in blogging this year, I realised that in order for me to be more connected and involved in youth happenings, I still habe one more mammoth challenge in front of me....... Going back into GAMING! Thought I never liked gaming.. but this has to be the way to go if I want to connect with youths of this internet generation. I want to stay relevant and not become obsolete ah!

So here's my plans for cyberworld conquest and domination: Next week will be my first crash course session on gaming. I will get some of my church youths to come and give me an orientation course on some of the games they play nowadays. My aim is that by end of this year, I would be able to be playing online games with youths in a LAN shop!

Stay tuned for Chronicles of Cyberworld Domination!


Anonymous said...

I volunteer to help u in orientation! Hehe =P

Mr.Keropok said...

Thanks son! am looking forward to play CnC with you ah.. heard that you quite expert in that?? hehe..