Nov 4, 2006

Bangkok Shock: I became a Gentle-man!

Posted by Mr.Keropok

"Sawasdee-krup...." *Courteous hand gesture similar to the picture, and a sweet smile*

Comparing that with the "Oei!!!!", "What's up Brudder!!" kind of greetings that I always use in Singapore... I was a total 180 degrees change in Bangkok man! All of a sudden, I have transformed into a gentle and mild toned mr nice nice guy! I was struggling and half laughing at myself during the short cultural immersion briefing conducted during my first day in Bangkok, thinking to myself.. "This is so NOT me!" But I flowed along and as the days went by, I got accustomed to the gentle culture, greeting the Thai friends and students in such gentle gestures.

Strangely I thought to myself.. how come I am not as gentle or courteous back in Singapore? Many times I can just "Oei!" at my parents, or even hang up on phonecalls without saying bye... Courteous and polite when with friends, yet at home I give my parents quite a cold and nonchalent attitude, taking for granted that just because they are my parents, it's ok to treat them with lesser courtesy and politeness.

Wrong! I feel like a two-faced monster! Am determined to improve on my relational attitude with my parents. Family should be a place of warmth and security, not cold and loneliness.

PS: Maybe I should try doing the Thai greeting to my parents and stun them! =P