Nov 3, 2006

Bangkok Shock: Just 5 minutes away......

Posted by Mr.Keropok

This is the usual traffic flow in Bangkok, near the service apartment where I was staying. When we travelled to the school, this would be the typical traffic that we had to "conquered"!

I remembered on our first trip to the Assumption School for orientation, the driver told us the distance was an estimated of about 5 minutes away. And guess what? For the next 45 minutes, we were stuck in this crazy traffic. There was nothing I could do but just shut my eyes and take a nap.....zzzz....

Through this experience, I really appreciated our transport system back home alot. At least we don't have to get caught in crazy traffic jams everyday where 5 minutes became eternity.

Indeed, human are such strange creatures. We only learn to appreciate what we have when we experience or see things which are far worse than our current situations.

Let's learn to cherish and appreciate whatever we have today.. be it family, friendships, things that we have...etc. Don't take things for granted!