Nov 17, 2006

Can I press the RESTART button???

Posted by Mr.Keropok

One week ago this time, I am psyching myself up for the 100KM walk. One week later today.. I am preparing myself mentally for the 73 storeys climb up Swissotel on Sunday. I don't want to underestimate this challenge after the 100KM incident... But so much so for preparations yeah?

Am I prepared for this event?
Hmm.. Mentally and emotionally, Yes. Physically, Not really.

What prior training did I have?
70KM walk last Saturday and Futsal game in 12 hours time.

Previous vertical challenge record?
22 storeys climb up to my house unit in HBD block.

Gosh! Why am I constantly pushing myself and straining my body for such physical challenges???

I guess I am wired up this way, always learning from experience. Pushing my physical limits always teaches me about perseverance in life. I share with many youths about the importance of perseverance and not to give up so easily when we meet obstacles in our lives. Talk is cheap.. now I am putting my words into actions and setting the example. Life is NOT like computer gaming where there is a RESTART button to be pushed as and when we like.. But it is about persevering through and developing character through the process.

Don't always focus on the end result.. It is the process that matters more!


Nona Ooi said...

woh~ yeah~ but must take care of body and let it recover from the previous strenuous activities 1st somewhere that we're not supposed to do more than 2 or 3 dunno how many mths even for pro athletes. haa. abit mixed up with the figures, read that quite long ago. but yeah, point is gotta take care!! go go brother! inspirational~! waiting for ur next post~ =p
