Nov 14, 2006

I sprained my wrist!!!!

Posted by Mr.Keropok

It has happened for the 3rd time in 2 weeks! I actually sprained my wrist while SMS-ing! Gosh! As freak as this accident may sound, it's so laughable that I wouldn't consider it a freak accident! Hmm... thinking back, I must have sent about 100 SMS within that 30 minutes span.. to and fro, replying and sending... No wonder I would sprain my wrist!

Sprained wrist or not.. I realised that a common trend amongst the youths nowadays is that they are highly becoming socially handicapped! They have become experts in online conversations, flowery words (both vulgarities and good words) & icons via the SMS and sharing all their emotions and ventilations on blogs and forums! Yet when engaging in real life conversation either in one-on-one or group settings, he/she becomes totally incapacitated, as if they have locked jaws!

Just imagine few years down from now, children will not be talking with their parents. They communicate online. One in the living room, the other in the bedroom. How sad is that?!?!

Internet and modern technology do offer us new ways of communication, but DO NOT let technology handicap us that we even lost our basic human touch and communication skills! Else we would become just like ROBOTS!


jOa-im His daughter! said...

USE BOTH HANDS TO TYPE SMS!!! U CAN DO IT DE,Daddy!!! just gona train train train.. hahax, still Sms rox!! wooOohoOOOoo

Anonymous said...

Maybe u sms not often... if u sms often enough, sldn't have so much pain...

Anonymous said...

well, the saying goes, two heads are better than one, same saying applies. haha. two hands are better than one! God Bless! get well soon.. haha

Anonymous said...

Hahhaa.. thanks everyone!!

Will learn to use both hands while SMS-ing. Although it slows down my speed and efficiency.. but in the long run, it will be better for my wrists. Noted.

Please remind me when you see me... hehe..