Nov 15, 2006

How I wish......

Posted by Mr.Keropok

Yesterday I was on the phone with a friend. He's in NTU and busy preparing for his examinations which begins today. This is his first year in University studies and he's all pumped up and excited for his first exams after the past two years of jungle training (NS)...

He was jokingly lamenting to me over the phone, "Aiya... how I wish last time Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇) would have burnt away all the books! So now we don't have to study nor take exams!" I am sure all of us would think the same way too each time we take our exams right? haha...

"HOW I WISH...." Wouldn't we sometimes just wish that alot of things in our lives could change for the better? To make our lives easier so that we wouldn't need to stress or worry so much about problems.

Well, if all of us get our wishes.. the world would be far worse off a place rather than a better place. Just imagine everyone becoming millionaires... everyone do not need to study.... everyone having the freedom to do whatever we want. Do you seriously think life will be better?

Our selfish hunger for more is insatiable. Life is not about hardships.. but rather a journey of learning experiences from which we learn to grow in Character and Depth.

[How I wish I was born in a rich family. Looking back, if I were to get my wish, I probably be a spoilt brat by now!]