Nov 27, 2006

Time To Upgrade!!

Posted by Mr.Keropok

Today I went to Peninsula Plaza and bought a NEW acoustic plug-in guitar. My previous guitar had warped badly beyond repair and the guitar mechanics told me to retire it. So it is now resting in peace in one corner of my room.

Back to my new guitar! Yes! In the new year 2007 ahead, one of my goals is also to upgrade my guitar skills. I used to attend a guitar workshop for about a year but had to stop because of schedule clash. Since then, my guitar skills have sort of stagnated and never improved. I believe I still have room for growth and improvement, so I am pushing myself to go for it!

Talk is cheap! Now for my action plans: (1) Learning fingerstyle guitar and tabs from this DVD I got about advanced guitar course. (2) Setting aside 30 minutes every night to play and practice on my guitar.

What are YOU planning to do about your goals and aims in 2007?