Nov 8, 2006

Up 3 Levels In MapleStory!

Posted by Mr.Keropok

Well... so much talking in the past months about wanting to learn how to play computer games, daring to try new things...etc Today I finally get my hands down to trying to play a computer game........... MAPLESTORY!!!!!

So now I understand a few things.... "Z" = Pick up item; "C" = Attack; "Spacebar" = Jump. Armed with these basic keys and of course the direction pad, I stepped forth on my virgin encounter into the Maple World. After 5 minutes of walking to and fro, slashing some snails.... I managed to UP 3 LEVELS! And just when I was basking in my mini achievement, I saw a youth whose MS character is LEVEL 70!! (check out her sharing at Diaoz....

Am happy with myself that I tried something new today... "Noob" or "Newbie" as I may be, but it's ok. My sense of achievement comes from the fact that I stepped out to try something new.. and NOT about gaining higher level in virtual character.

Now that I have killed snails and stomped on mushrooms... What's next? Maybe next round I should learn how to play COUNTERSTRIKE or even D.O.T.A! Those games sound more exciting!

Watch out for my next blog series.... "Chronicles of EeJay: Mis-Firing in CounterStrike"!!!