Dec 6, 2006

I came in 1009th position!

Posted by Mr.Keropok

Just went to this website to check out my marathon timing and position. My final timing was 6 hours 19 minutes 22 seconds, slotting me in at 1009th position out of 1250 marathon runners i.e. I had 81% of the people whom ran way ahead of me!

Amazingly slow? But it doesn't bother me at all, am just so glad that I finished the race... and I finished it in STYLE with a great buddy, ERIC! Eric caught up with me at the 41KM mark and we just slogged our way against all the cramps to cross the finishing line together. It was an awesome feeling to cross the end point, but it was more sensational crossing it together with a friend. =) Check out our kodak moments!

I experienced and appreciated the comradeship of my buddy Eric, even though it was just through the last 1KM. But it showed me the importance of having great friends around in the journey of life. Many times it is easy to grit our teeths and bash through situations in life like Rambo... it's glamourous and cool indeed. But soon the bumps and bruises in life are going to burden us down regardless of how Rambo we are. Rambo is still only human!

Do you have friends whom will stick with you through the rough patches in life? Or are you just another Rambo-wannabe or loner? No man is an island, we all need each other!