Dec 7, 2006

L.L.L - Live Life Learning!!

Posted by Mr.Keropok

Two weeks ago, I was scratching my head in front of the photostating machine and trying to figure out how it works. Being new in office, I didn't know how to operate this cheem looking machine! Trust me.. if you think operating a photostating machine is easy, you are WRONG! It ain't as simple as it looks!

At that moment, I felt rather stupid of myself. I was thinking to myself, "Wah piang! Masters' graduate student also don't know how to operate a photocopying machine? Disgraceful man!" It was just a small matter, but got me feeling quite lousy for a moment. But not for long....

I decided to approach my friendly colleague, P.K, for help! As friendly and chirpy by nature, he readily agreed and showed me the simple steps. Instantaneously I reacted in my mind saying, "Chey! I knew that!" But I kept quiet..... (pause)

Many times we are just like that. Too proud to receive help from others or to even ask for help... When others give a hand to aid us in a headstart, we think we know it all and immediately brush them off with the "Chey! I knew that!" attitude. Well, carry on such attitude and we would soon realise that the next time we need help, no one would initiate to come to our aid. Because our attitude always give the impression that we are high and aloof.. just like a mr-know-it-all!

My suggestion? Always be humble in our hearts and willing to learn from others. Just like an L-plate drive.. we need to constantly wear that L-plate around us. Don't be proud and think that we know everything.. be open and learn to hear from others too, and we might just catch some new insights!

Let's Live Life Learning.... and NOT Luan(4) Luan(4) Lai(2) 乱乱来 !!!!!!