Dec 17, 2006

Just Walk Across The Room (Part 1)

Posted by Mr.Keropok

I used to be a typical FAT BOY during my primary and secondary school days. My schoolmates would snigger and make fun of my horizontally-challenging figure. My teachers would criticize that I run slower than their grandmother. My parents would compare why my results were not as good as my friends. Everywhere I went or whatever I did, I was bound to be the center of attention for taunting!

Until one day when I met a special friend whom changed my life and made me think different of people. I joined my secondary school camp during the June holidays because I was bored. As usual, being low self esteemed from all the taunts, I went into my anti-social mode and wasn't about to be ra-ra and always was by myself.

It went this way till Day 2 of the camp. I was seated in the far corner of the canteen eating my breakfast alone. Everyone else had clicked well with their groups, all except me... YES.. I am the oddball again! =(

There and then, I noticed my group leader walked towards me... (to be continued)