Dec 21, 2006

Just Walk Across The Room (Part 2)

Posted by Mr.Keropok

.... There and then, I noticed my group leader walked towards me, sat down next to me with her hot milo and sandwich. She began to talk to me. She talked and talked none stop.. sometimes I answered her, sometimes I didn't. Through the next few days of the camp, she kept chatting with me and brought me along to know more friends.. my life was never the same from then on....

Today I am not shy anymore. I have many friends and have relatively good social communication skills. I don't have low self esteem of myself anymore. A big reason was because 14 years ago, during that breakfast at that particular camp, someone walked across the room FOR ME! A simple act of just chatting made a great impact in my life and brought me out of my nutshell to understand that there are still friends out there who care about me and accept me for who I am! It meant alot to me.

Take a moment to ponder.. in our years of growing up. Who were the people whom walked across the room for us? Is it that particular mathematics teacher whom made effort to give your tuition? Or that friend that stood by you when everyone misunderstood you? Basically someone whom took a small step to reach out to you.. but it meant a big step for you.

Post under "Comments" and share with me your story of people whom have walked across the room for you. I am keen to hear from you and I am sure it will inspire many others! =)