Hi guys, girls, ladies, gentlemen, uncles, aunties, friends and relatives,
I have officially moved to a new blog site!
Check it out @ http://mrkeropok.blogspot.com!!
This blog will be archived by end of this month. :)
Continue to lend me your support on my new blog! :)
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Hi everyone!
Thank you so much for all the support these years. I will be archiving this blog and moving out to start a new one shortly. Just felt that I need to have a fresh new beginning in my blogosphere journey.
Am still in the process of doing up my new blog site.. so just hang around this space and await for more news!
Cheerios! :)
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In my Junior College days, I was one of the top Ten-Pin bowler chalking an average of 200 PPG (points-per-game). I trained hard and my dream was to one day win an Open competition and be part of the Singapore National Bowling Team.In the first year of my National Service, I crack-fractured my right wrist (my master hand) during the Standard Obstacle Course (SOC) test. I went through 1 year of physiotherapy and rehab, but never able to carry heavy stuff using my right hand again. I was downgraded to PES C1L2 and I was never able to take part in competitive bowling again. [Reality strikes and my world just collaspe around me... it's a lousy feeling.]
In my university days, I was an avid sportsman. I played soccer, basketball, soccer, squash and almost any ball games. In January 2006 during my Masters' studies, I had a freak accident on a rainy day. I slipped, fell and sprained my right ankle (my master foot)really badly. I was out of sports action for almost 6 months, unable to do even light jogging. [I felt really lousy about myself.]During the 6 months, I went through intensive rehab and physiotherapy (up to 2-3 times a week, sweating like a madman at every physio session!). In November - December 2006, I took part in a 100KM walkathon, climbed the 72-storey Vertical Marathon @ Swissotel and completed the 42KM Singapore Marathon.
During my Masters' studies in Bioengineering (2004 - 2006), I was required to take Biology subjects, understand Biology concepts and theories, write reports and do up presentations on them. These were a major challenge for me as I have never ever taken Biology before in my life!I mugged, studied, burned midnight oil studying and preparing for every single homework, test, exams and presentation. This is on top of being a cell leader and serving in church.
In end-2007, I was conferred my Masters' Degree in Engineering. Together with it, I had three conference presentations, two journal papers, and one patent application to my name. I just collected my Masters' Degree graduation certificate this week. *All Smiles*
Success in life doesn't mean having a glamourous lifestyle, great achievements, nor popular and accepted by people. All these are good and important things in life. BUT... Is that how you really would define Success?
To me, the A-B-C guide to Success is:
1. Able to star at every challenges that comes in life and see the opportunity for growth.
2. Being able to bounce back from defeats and failures in life - having a never-say-die attitude.
3. Choosing not to compare and envy the people around you, but follow your principles, values and convictions of life.
Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to those he loves. - Psalm 127:1-2 (NIV)
During my teenage years,
- I didn't look forward to having meals together with my parents because we didn't have much to talk about. Every meal was solemn and very very quiet.
- I disliked talking to my parents because almost every conversation would end up in arguments.
- I hated going shopping with my parents.
- I hated it even more when my mum holds my hands while crossing the road.

- I enjoyed lunch together with my parents. Simple homecooked food, and it was a good time of catching up.
- I enjoyed chatting with my mum, just hearing her ventilate, talk about her hobbies, friends and aspects of her daily life.
- I went grocery shopping with my mum, helping her choose fruits and vegetables (I am learning from her =D) and carrying them home.
- I held the umbrella for my mum while we were out and she held my arms when we crossed the road.
Looking ahead, I am making effort to catch up with loss time. I love my family a lot. =D
After 20 over years, I have finally grown up. HOW ABOUT YOU?
PS: This post was inspired after watching the movie "For One More Day". Thank you Mr Jeffrey for introducing this wonderful book to me. Read more on this article...
It’s been around since the dawn of humanity and beyond. It beautifies, empowers, motivates, cultivates, brings tears, warm hearts; and in recent times, burn wallets. Discriminating no one, love is in the air this Valentine’s Day, when the celebrating of love between friends, family and that special someone brings much joy to flower vendors and marketers of novelty flicks.
Valentine's Day Party “Where is the Love” anchored by a group of youths and aimed to spread love in a different way, by sharing the love of Christ and His people on earth. From the moment the party started, with the welcoming of guests at the reception with balloon sculptures, and roses for the fairer gender, to the introduction of Valentine’s Day and its main highlight (roses, roses and more roses!) the mood never died down. Most of the guests even came decked out in pink and red! Upon stepping from the colorful registration room to the main, cosy and cooling room, guests were greeted by a vibrant array of balloons on the walls, and large bold “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY” words on boards. Interesting, hardly seen before Vday quotes were flashed on a big screen, giving a definite Valentine’s Day feel. Sitting down in their groups on colorful and comfortable mats, it felt soothing enough to just sit there and not move.Icebreakers followed. While getting to know strangers on a more personal level was difficult in a short time frame allowed for the icebreaking, the organizers of the party had in mind a creative activity to ensure groups get pass that awkward “Hi, you are?” moment.
Each group was given 50 minutes to prepare a skit based on Disney stories like “Cinderalla", “Beauty and the Beast“, “Snow White” and “The Frog Prince”, with an added twist, in the form of contemporary love songs having to be somehow incorporated into the skit. Admittedly the atmosphere was not that hyped up initially as people began to feel their way into gelling together as a group and coming up with interesting ideas. Yet as ideas snowballed and people rehearsed, even the apprehensive ones began to loosen up and go wild. 45 minutes into the preparation, chaos reigned. People were all over the room acting funny, laughing at their friends and themselves, trying very hard to get their skit ready in time.
Come show time, most of the groups were ready to present their skit in front of the 70-strong crowd present at the party. Modernized versions of “Sleeping Beauty”, along with controversial “Frog Prince” and other hilarious skits kept the audience in peals of laughter. If there was any awkwardness among the groups, there certainly was not now.Halfway into the amusement of watching friends bringing to life Disney stories, Ee Jay went up to share his love story. In a short yet catching account of falling in love over fries amongst other things, he told of how God moulded his love life to the success story it is now.
Olivia, had this to say, “I thought it was too little time to plan a skit in a group that doesn’t know each other…but yup I thought the sharing was good."
The key to a successful love story in a pocket-friendly manner? G-O-D!
Despite time constrains, new friends still had this to say on the event, “It’s a great way to spend Valentine’s Day”, said Mingli. Besides, what other enjoyable way to be spending V-day as a single? For others, it was a creative way of spending the day. Said Daryl, “It’s fun, unique and meaningful.” Cliché yet heartfelt words from someone spending one of his last few V-days as a single and unavailable man. Reflecting these sentiments, Cheryl felt “ The event was not bad and enjoyable.” To see friends bring friends and allowing a place for friendships to grow and new ones to be made was definitely heart-warming. Its said that a picture speaks a thousand words, and the Event Photo taken at the end of the party spoke volumes on the many untold stories of people and relationships.
Other than the participants, the committee of 3 that was set up to conceptualize, plan and execute the whole party had much to say. Having other commitments in National Service, Team Coordinator Jasper commented that, he “felt very relief because of many last minute changes but still managing to pull if off.” At times, he felt “a little frustrated because of restriction in camp and not being able to do a lot of things.”
Thankfully, the team had a huge backing in the form of the spiritual family. “Its great to see the family rallying for this event, helping and inviting new friends to join us, and the dynamic was good!” said Sai Kang Warrior, Miss-all-over-the-place Joadine.
The High Commissioner of Committee Where Is The Love, Ee Jay released a statement affirming the success of the event: “It’s a joy to see the youths coordinate and run this event for the youths, Well planned and organized. Even as an adult, I enjoyed the program a lot!”
Personally, I had visualized the setting to be even more cosy with more than balloons to create the V-day mood. However, with the energy generated by the groups, the lack of more decorations was more than made up for. Looking at how long the party lasted, I’m amazed at how groups of relatively strangers were able to come up with decent skits. If this were a movie, I will give it 4 popcorns! If not for the effort, then at least for the jovial people there and the amusement of it all.
Curious to find out what True Love really is all about?
Are you desperately on the lookout for a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
Guys: How come the girl that I like don't like me?
Girls: Is this Prince Charming the guy for me?
What are you waiting for? Come join me this Valentine's Day and have all your questions answered! Come experience and find the TRUE LOVE of your life!
Drop me a note if you would be keen to come along! =D Read more on this article...
Every wondered what you can do with the simple digital camera you have on hand? Have you ever wished that you could take some "nicer" shots with your digicam compared with those "professional" shots?
Well, introducing this camera technique called.... "Bokeh". Something new I learnt from my friend, NiVlEm, which can be used easily on any digital camera with the macro shot function.
All photos taken using the Canon PowerShot A1000 IS.
School just started.. check out what are some of the funny things happening in class! =D
小朋友寫:一列火車經過,況且況且況且況且況且況。 (請唸出來)
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Ingredients Needed:
1. Digestive biscuits 2. Butter (250g block) 3. Philadelphia cream cheese (250g block) 4. Condensed milk (NOT evaporated milk) 5. Lemon
Step 1: Preparing the base crust for the cheesecake. Mash digestive biscuits into fine grains (Best to use a ziplock bag). Make sure they are as fine as the sand at East Coast Park beach!
Step 2: Mix the digestive biscuit grains with melted butter. The ratio is 1/4 block of butter to 5 digestive biscuits. Stir in one direction and get a good "cement-like" mixture.
Step 3: Spread the mixture evenly onto the base of your container. Best to use a plastic tupperware. If you are using melt container, remember to put tracing paper as a base.
Step 4: Preparing the cheesecake. Mix 1 block of Philadelphia cheese with 1/4 can of condensed milk.
Step 5: This is the toughest part! Put in all your energy and start mixing them evenly. Add in a few drops of lemon juice in the process of mixing. This would give the slight sour taste.
Step 6: Continue mixing... Your hands should be tired by now. So get your friends to help you. Make sure your mixing is in one direction! (I'm not sure of the rational, but it's what my youths tell me.. haha!)
Step 7: Now spread the cheese-condensed milk mixture evenly over your container, which was earlier laid out with the digestive biscuit base.
Step 8: Once done, put the container in a fridge to chill the cheesecake. Estimated timing is 1-2 hour for small cakes and 3-6 hours for larger cakes.
Step 9: Decorate your cake as you wish! TADA! It's done!!!
Take a good look at this... For the past two years at work, I have been sitting on this distorted chair:
The results of it are:
1. Much complains from my colleagues around me that the distorted chair protruded into the common passageway, making it inconvenient for them to move around.
2. Frequent backaches for me from the lack of proper cushion and support on the lower back.
Call me lazy, cannot-be-bothered, or resistant to changes.... I managed to turn a deaf ear to all complain, ignored all pains and was contented to live with this distorted chair for two whole years! (Talk about being High-S huh?!?)
So when I started work this year, I decided enough is enough... it is time to make CHANGES! Else my persistent indulgence in laziness or ignorance will continue to wreck inconvenience and more pain to my colleague and my own physical body if I don't learn to change!
So check out my new chair! Tada!
It's hard to see a stark contrasting difference from the photo. But trust me, my back has been feeling great since the change. And there has not been any complains from my lovely colleagues anymore!
How are you kicking starting the Year 2009?
A New Year... A New Beginning, and a time to set New Year Resolutions! But wait... have you ever wondered what's the definition of New Year's Resolution?? So check this out from Wikipedia:
"A New Year's Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous."
So now, check out MY new year's resolution..... Here we go!1) Read a book per month
2) Watch a DVD per month (must be inspiring shows)
3) Complete Adidas SunDown Marathon & Standard Chartered Marathon, each in sub-5hr 30min timing.
4) Scale to summit of Mount Kinabalu
5) A personal gift/makan treat/movie treat from me for everyone in my youth group
That's as far as I can think of now, will add in more as I get inspired along the way.
Well, truth of the matter is that anyone can set NYRs, but not everyone can achieve it. The key is to set in place practical steps and plans to achieve them. In line with my NYRs, here are some practical steps to be taken:
1) Write down a list of 12 books that I would want to read this year (currently I have 3 in mind already)
2) Setting aside the last Saturday evening of every month for a getaway to catch up with my mounting stack of DVDs!
3) Exercise (either jogs or ball games) at least 2-3 times a week. Currently I jog twice and play soccer once within a week.
4) Plans are already on the way to climb Mt K. in June 2009!
5) One of my youths has emailed me a contact list of everyone's birthday and NOW I am busy logging them into my calenders (email & handphone) with alarms!
Have you listed down your NYRs yet? Take time to pen them down, else it's definitely gonna be another boring year ahead for you.
If you have listed your NYRs, then may I challenge you to put actions to words. =D
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Many of you have been asking me where I have disappeared to in the past two month as I haven't been updating on my blog. Well, here's a quick update on what I've been doing these past two months. Enjoy!
Standard Chartered Marathon 42KM Singapore Marathon
I survived my 3rd marathon in 4 years, clocking in at 6 hours 26 minutes. Many have asked me, "Why in the world do you pay money to suffer?". My answer is always the same... Pushing myself to the limits and believing that I can achieve something that I cannot humanly fathom I can do. I want I can! =D
Holiday Trip to Kuala Lumpur
Took a week long holiday trip to KL with a bunch of friends. Indeed it was a wonderful time of R.E.S.T - Relaxing, Eating, Shopping and Touring around KL. Next time anyone of you want to go KL, look for me! I will introduce you to all my KL friends whom can show you around! =D
Christmas Party
A bunch of my church youths organized a Christmas Party at my place. So proud of them that they anchored the entire event - the decoration, the food, the games and even the cleaning up. A wonderful warm and cosy time of sharing the true meaning of Christmas with our friends as well!
Combined Cell Group Camp @ PraiseHaven, Salvation Army
Immediately after Christmas, I headed off for a combined cell group camp where we had a time of re-looking back at Year 2008 and being thankful of what has happened. A good opportunity also for everyone to catch up and time to bond with one another. Lotsa fun too especially with the 'Fruity' fun game! =P
Countdown Party 2008 @ TOUCH Centre
Ended the year 2008 in a celebrative mood with the Countdown Party in church. The theme for the party was 'Occupation'. Check out some of the crazy ideas that came out from this. All in all, everyone was game for the dress up and we have tonnes of fun just snapping photos away! What a way to usher in the new year! Woohoo!

My new year resolution would be 'Daring to live life on the cutting edge'! So as to inspire others around me that we can step out courageously and achieve things that we never have imagined about if we choose to believe! =D Read more on this article...