Nov 30, 2006

My Clubbing Experience (Part II)

Posted by Mr.Keropok

As I walked out of the club, my eyes strained upon the glaring light from the lamppost even! I felt high and dry. High from the music, screaming and shouting which were still ringing in my ears. Dry because I was left pondering the question, "Huh? That's all ah? Like that only? Jump, scream and drink? What's so fun? Plus so expensive! Chey!!!"

In my environment of working with youths now, I began to ponder why would youths want to go clubbing? It seems like the highlight or 'event-of-their-life' that almost every youth is looking ahead for! Just like an 18 year old youth who can't wait to turn 21 so he can watch R21 movie! Gosh! What's the hype about it? What makes them want to going clubbing day after day?

And regular clubbing can be an expensive affair too. Think about it... $20++ for the club entry, $10++ for additional drinks, $50++ for taking cab with midnight surcharge. That tallies to almost $100, multiply that by the number of times you go clubbing a month and that's a HUGE sum!

For the fun? The friends? The music?... You can easily have that by organising a mini gathering at home too. And it's so much cheaper than clubbing your money down the drain..... (to be continued)


jOa-im His daughter! said...

Hey Dad.. NU Er Agree to What U posted on Clubbing.. hahaz.. tt pl is really so messy.. the music is nt nice either.. i rather Dance on Sunday w the FREEDOM WE KN!!!

hahaz.. aft wed, i guess it is just a Toy tt men created to please themselves.. & aft playin w this toy, only to realise tt it is empty & nothing..

Anonymous said...

Hey, Juz wanna tell u, a club is like a Church... It's not a building or place... It's a gathering... Only clubbing, pple meet for the wrong reason sometimes... Pple go to club for many reasons... But there is a common reason, they feel lonely... They want company... Juz wan u 2 noe...


Mr.Keropok said...

Yupz, of course, putting aside the technical details, people go clubbing because they feel lonely and are seeking company.

Difference btw club and church is that the takeaway is different. I am certain takeaway from church is good, relfective, inspirational and blessed.

Takeaway from clubbing is high and dry. And of course many danger lurks.

Thanks mr/miss anonymous for sharing your thoughts! =)

Anonymous said...

yap.. strongly agree with wat u posted for the clubbing.. To be frank,, I'm a person who go clubbing almost more than 3 times a week before I receive christ. At that time, entertainment was all on my mind and I feel that clubbing is the only place where I can enjoy with my friends.. Although, we don't normally go to those with dancing ground but I agree that the amount of $$$ you invested there is tremedous. In the end, what did you get? Nothin but only causing harm to yr health by drinking.

I could have save a lot of $$ from my 1 yr of working before I start my uni life but because of this reason, I currently do not have much saving. Think God is now teaching me a lesson by leaving zero cent in my bank account but jus enough $$ for me to survive my daily bread. But Thank God, he made me reflect back on this foolish act of me last time.

So I was glad that u posted abt tis clubbing issue.. and my advise to all those who club.. " Think of what is the purpose when you go clubbing?? Clubbing can be addictive so dun ever let it drag u down!!

God bless U....

Mr.Keropok said...

Thanks mr/miss Anonymous for your sharing.. (not sure if you are the same person from above)

Would wish to hear more of your experience.. drop me an email at! :)