Dec 8, 2006

My Clubbing Experience (The Trilogy)

Posted by Mr.Keropok

(As continued from Part I & Part II...)

... I peered lazily to my left and right, hoping to spot my friends from the flood of people slowly streaming out of the club. After rumaging my way through the crowd, I finally spotted two of them round the corner. Squatted along the drain, heads bowed .... they were puking. As I walked nearer to check them out, the stench of the vomit was "intoxicating". And after puking, both of them just slumped on their backs against the pillar and dozed of in the most amazingly pathetic manner. Drunk? They were DEAD DRUNK!

In the end, a couple of us had to literally carry these two fellas up the chartered bus and dumped them back into their hostel room. Tired and smelly... my watch registered 4:30AM... Orientation programmes resumes in 3 hours time..

What's so fun about clubbing? I really don't understand. Well of course not everyone ends up dead drunk like my friends. But like I mentioned, danger lurks in all forms. I have heard before about how girls got molested during their clubbing experience, drinks getting spiked and guys are not spared too. Getting tipsy from tequila-pops, stupid exchange of words leads to fights and boxing competitions outside the clubs. And there are many more.. What the newspapers report are TRUE! No joke man!

I am not against going to clubs.. but rather choosing the right company, the right timing, the right clubs are important. Even in the midst of having fun, always maintain a clear mind to rationalize and think. Don't just let the fun sway us away!


WendY said...

Lol! I have thought of that question too! I heard how my friends can actually club 5 days in a week... They says that it's fun and exciting! And you get to know new people too... But i found a place that brings even more surprises and excitment...
Do you know that there's even more excitment getting to know God than going clubbing or elsewhere..... ? :)