What do you see in the picture here? Is it a donut or a hole?
Silly question? Well, but that is just how different everyone of us looks at life. Some of us see alot of DONUTS around us (positive attitude, mindset, opportunities..etc), while others see alot of 'HOLES' instead (negativity, cannot-make-it attitude..etc). A true commendable character is one who learns to see the 'donuts' even in the midst of downturns and crisis. Ultimately, it is a CHOICE whether you want to see the donut or see the hole. Why make your life so miserable but focusing on the hole? CHOOSE to see the donut!
As you look back at 2006, take time to pen down the wonderful things that have happened for you. Then sit back, be thankful in your heart for all these amazing things that have happened. =)
Life is beautiful.. But do you choose to see it that way? It's YOUR choice!
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Yes! This year I bought a Christmas Tree to decorate my house.. the very first in my entire life! This year, I decided to invite some youths over to my place for a Christmas gathering and celebration. So in order to spice up the atmosphere, I got the youths to help me buy a Christmas tree. Boy! We sure had lotsa fun dolling and decorating the tree! Check out the photos man! =)
In my childhood days, Christmas was all about this fat fat Santa Claus fairy tale. It was soon exposed that there is NO Santa Clause, but just my Dad disguising as one. =P Soon in my teenage years, Christmas became all about PRESENTS! I was always anticipating presents from others! haha.. But somehow as age catches up with me.. the "presents" factor seem to decrease. What really mattered to me most about Christmas was to have close friends and family come together in celebration. What defines Christmas is not the presents nor Santa Claus. What defines Christmas was the PEOPLE!
As we had the mini Christmas celebration the next day, it was a joy to see all the youths coming. As I just sat at one corner and observed them playing games, a warm sensation overwhelmed my heart and I had to hold back my tears. Every of these youths have had a journey walked through with me. And as I recollected these moments or joy and tears together, I am greatly encouraged!
When I was young, somebody walked across the room FOR ME... Today, I am walking across the room FOR THEM. The greatest present I received this Christmas is to see lives of these youths being transformed! =) Read more on this article...
Just came back from a 3D2N youth camp, clocking less than 6 hours of sleep over the two days, battling the crazy rain (which results in highest rainfall in S'pore in 75 years!) and making sure the camp continues to run smoothly. It was challenging indeed, but we pulled it through! Yay! Glad to see that all the participants enjoyed themselves. =)
My most challenging and also memorable moment in the camp was having to dress up for the night game CLUEDO. In this game, all I was told was that I would be casted as an old grandfather, and the rest was up to my imagination and freewill. Up till the day of the camp, I was still clueless on how to dress myself up. 3 hours before the game started, I bought a singlet from Watsons, grabbed my trackpants and waistpouch, borrowed a bottle of baby powder.. and off I went ahead!Gosh! Just imagine 2 weeks ago I was acting as the suave and cool-looking JUDGE, and today I am down and out dressed as a pot-bellied AH-PEK! Well, all for the sake of making the game fun and entertaining the youths whom sacrificed their sleep to play this game. Today I am famous wherever I go and the youths are shouting for me "林伯伯" across the room! *paiseh*
Unglam.. Ugly.. Laughing stock.. It doesn't matter. For a good cause, I am willing the make the "sacrifice" and take on the challenge. Honestly, I am not an acting sort of person, but I chose to be part of the game so as to challenge myself to try something new and be out of my comfort zone!
The year HAS NOT come to an end yet and I'm gonna keep on track with a couple more adventurous trails.. So stay tuned soon for more dramatic outlook! Woohoo!
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.... There and then, I noticed my group leader walked towards me, sat down next to me with her hot milo and sandwich. She began to talk to me. She talked and talked none stop.. sometimes I answered her, sometimes I didn't. Through the next few days of the camp, she kept chatting with me and brought me along to know more friends.. my life was never the same from then on....
Today I am not shy anymore. I have many friends and have relatively good social communication skills. I don't have low self esteem of myself anymore. A big reason was because 14 years ago, during that breakfast at that particular camp, someone walked across the room FOR ME! A simple act of just chatting made a great impact in my life and brought me out of my nutshell to understand that there are still friends out there who care about me and accept me for who I am! It meant alot to me.
Take a moment to ponder.. in our years of growing up. Who were the people whom walked across the room for us? Is it that particular mathematics teacher whom made effort to give your tuition? Or that friend that stood by you when everyone misunderstood you? Basically someone whom took a small step to reach out to you.. but it meant a big step for you.
Post under "Comments" and share with me your story of people whom have walked across the room for you. I am keen to hear from you and I am sure it will inspire many others! =)
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I used to be a typical FAT BOY during my primary and secondary school days. My schoolmates would snigger and make fun of my horizontally-challenging figure. My teachers would criticize that I run slower than their grandmother. My parents would compare why my results were not as good as my friends. Everywhere I went or whatever I did, I was bound to be the center of attention for taunting!
Until one day when I met a special friend whom changed my life and made me think different of people. I joined my secondary school camp during the June holidays because I was bored. As usual, being low self esteemed from all the taunts, I went into my anti-social mode and wasn't about to be ra-ra and always was by myself.
It went this way till Day 2 of the camp. I was seated in the far corner of the canteen eating my breakfast alone. Everyone else had clicked well with their groups, all except me... YES.. I am the oddball again! =(
There and then, I noticed my group leader walked towards me... (to be continued)
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Just this Saturday that passed, it marked the end of a 5-weeks long cyberwellness programme that I was helping out in as a mentor. This programme is called the Cyber Wellness Enrichment Programme (CWEP). As we did the closing session of the programme, one of my colleague/fellow mentor shared this: "In the growing up journey for youths, all of them looking out for something to die for! It can be sports, computer gaming, music, studies.. basically anything that these youths would excel in!"
As I reflect upon this statement, initial I found it hard to swallow, but gradually the truth of it began to sink in place. Let me put it in perspective for you. When it is mentioned 'something to die for', of course it doesn't literally mean physical death, but rather the extent of the measure how youths are seeking out for something which they would excel and craft out a niche in! It would become like that familiar playground and territory which they conquer and give them sense of security and achievement! Like it or not, we are all like that.. just that the realm we are in is different.. some in gaming, some in sports, others in studying.
Looking at the big picture, once we find such a thing that we would "die for".. we would go all out for it, and these things give us the drive and keep us going on and on. Somehow we would persevere and never give up! Example: If a person is really good in gaming, he/she would want to keep playing, excelling in it and conquer newer grounds, maps and enemies! However the sad ending to gaming is that it leads to nowhere.. after the season fades away, we are left to start from zero again and re-pursue newer challenges again.
So what are somethings which we would die for? Would you find any significance and purpose in these pursuits?
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Was reading a book today and saw some shocking statistics. Let me quote you some of them:
1. Almost half of all 9th through 12th graders have had sex - including 61 percent of high-school seniors
2. Nearly half of people under the age of 21 who drink alcohol, binge-drink (having five or more drinks on one occasion). More than 500,000 young people are unintentionally injured every year under the influence of alcohol. And about 1,500 of this number die as a direct result of alcohol abuse....
3. One in six of today's young females are drunk when they lose their virginity. (One in seven say their partner was drunk as well)
4. More than 4 million teens become infected with an STD each year.
5. The average age at which teens start taking drugs is 13.
6. Among sexually active high school seniors, more than 21 percent have had four or more sex partners.
Jaws dropped. I was dumb founded after reading these shocking statistics. Although we can say these numbers only reflect what happens in the US, but looking at the way the world culture is shifting, we cannot take such statistics for granted and assume it won't hit our nation's youths!
Especially to young people whom are reading this post.... I urge you in every way that you DO NOT need to be pressured to compromise or follow what seemingly everyone in the world is doing or what seemingly is cool. Always think before you act. Being cool doesn't mean it is always the right thing to do! A moment of fun and pleasure may just lead you to severe destructive consequences that you will regret for life!
Since when has diluted values and perversed morality become a cool and hip thing? Why are people being laughed at just because they are virgins? Why are young people being persecuted and pressured into joining gangs and taking drugs so easily?
We live in a fallen world.. and the odds are all stacked against us. Choosing to stand firm against the world phenomenon is like a sore thumb sticking out and being out of place. However, being different from the rest does not neccessary mean that we are weirdos or wrong! I choose to be different for what I believe is right.
I quote what Mr Phua Chu Kang always say.. "Use your brain, Use your brain!" Think before you act, don't always just go by feeling!
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Took a snap shot of this huge Christmas tree (towering at about 2-3 storeys' height) at Takashimaya while waiting for some friends. Yes! Once again, Christmas is round the corner again! Exams are all over.... youths are having their school holidays.... people are all out shopping and shops are promoting crazy sales! This indeed is the season to be jolly!
So what is it that you want for Christmas? A new iPod music player? The new Adidas vintage sweater? That cool pair of Nike Sports shoes? Or hands on at the latest game console (Nintendo Wii, XBox 360, PS III) in town?
Post in "Comments" below and share about your Christmas wishlist! It would be interesting to hear from everyone! I will go brainstorm through a list as well! =P
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Check out my latest heroic photo taken on last Saturday! I was helping my friend in a youth event and I was casted to act as "The Judge" whom supposedly is able to dictate whether the youths survive in the game. Oh, and of course every hero has a side kick... so introducing my lovely assistant, "The Clown"! =)
Initially when my friend roped me in for this role, I was rather hesitant because I wasn't comfortable with having to act. Those who know me would know that I would rather just do background work, and acting if definitely not my forte man! But part of me also wanted to challenge myself out of my comfort zone and try something radical which I never did before. With that, I decided to take on the challenge... and guess what? I pulled it off better than I expected! And I got quite good comments from the youths whom played the games!
As the year draws to a close, why not take a step of faith and challenge yourselves to do something radical? Something which you have always wanted to do or wished about, something purposeful that will aid your character development and growth. And the only reason you held back was because of fear, procrastination or lack of confidence.
Don't end the year and start the new year ahead with regret. Dare to step out and give it a try.. There's nothing to lose!
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My first enemy encountered... two slashes from him and I died! Apparently I had wasted precious time during the "briefing".. now my character was only level 5 and everyone else is level 19 & above! No wonder my character "die" so easily!!! *faintz* I tried my best for another good 15 minutes.. and I gave up. The imaginary tombstone of my virtual character reads this: "Level 10. Good try, better luck next time!"
The game is pretty fun and I can understand why many youths like it so much. The sense of satisfaction and achievement when you get to level up, defeat opponents and attain ultimate special power. The winning sensation really feels like world domination! But in the midst of conquest and levelling up the virtual character, have we spared a thought for our real life character ourselves? Are we also levelling up in real life too?
Much as gaming offers alot of fun, but also take note that it can be a danger ground for escapism, false sense of achievement, and ultimately addiction! Kings in virtual world, noobs in reality... Is that what we want to be? It's still not too late to plug yourselves out.
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Still remembered my world domination plan a few months ago to have a go at gaming? Well, after my successful attempt at Maplestory and CounterStrike, it was a matter of time before I ventured into DOTA! So today while I was playing together with some youths, I plucked up my gungho and ever adventurous spirit and plunged into the cyberworld of DOTA!
But wait.... before I even went on to attack anything, I had to sit back and soak in a 20 minutes briefing about how to prepare my virtual character battle. And so I "bought" some special shoes that allows me to walk faster, potion which enables me to live longer in battle and special power which ensures my enemy perishes with a few blows! Oh.. and not forgetting levelling up my virtual character and becoming more powerful! I was READY to go tear down some towers and whack up the enemies!
My lizard-head lookalike virtual character swagger its way down the map, and at the corner of the screen, I saw my very first enemy..... (to be continued)
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(As continued from Part I & Part II...)
... I peered lazily to my left and right, hoping to spot my friends from the flood of people slowly streaming out of the club. After rumaging my way through the crowd, I finally spotted two of them round the corner. Squatted along the drain, heads bowed .... they were puking. As I walked nearer to check them out, the stench of the vomit was "intoxicating". And after puking, both of them just slumped on their backs against the pillar and dozed of in the most amazingly pathetic manner. Drunk? They were DEAD DRUNK!
In the end, a couple of us had to literally carry these two fellas up the chartered bus and dumped them back into their hostel room. Tired and smelly... my watch registered 4:30AM... Orientation programmes resumes in 3 hours time..
What's so fun about clubbing? I really don't understand. Well of course not everyone ends up dead drunk like my friends. But like I mentioned, danger lurks in all forms. I have heard before about how girls got molested during their clubbing experience, drinks getting spiked and guys are not spared too. Getting tipsy from tequila-pops, stupid exchange of words leads to fights and boxing competitions outside the clubs. And there are many more.. What the newspapers report are TRUE! No joke man!
I am not against going to clubs.. but rather choosing the right company, the right timing, the right clubs are important. Even in the midst of having fun, always maintain a clear mind to rationalize and think. Don't just let the fun sway us away!
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Two weeks ago, I was scratching my head in front of the photostating machine and trying to figure out how it works. Being new in office, I didn't know how to operate this cheem looking machine! Trust me.. if you think operating a photostating machine is easy, you are WRONG! It ain't as simple as it looks!
At that moment, I felt rather stupid of myself. I was thinking to myself, "Wah piang! Masters' graduate student also don't know how to operate a photocopying machine? Disgraceful man!" It was just a small matter, but got me feeling quite lousy for a moment. But not for long....
I decided to approach my friendly colleague, P.K, for help! As friendly and chirpy by nature, he readily agreed and showed me the simple steps. Instantaneously I reacted in my mind saying, "Chey! I knew that!" But I kept quiet..... (pause)
Many times we are just like that. Too proud to receive help from others or to even ask for help... When others give a hand to aid us in a headstart, we think we know it all and immediately brush them off with the "Chey! I knew that!" attitude. Well, carry on such attitude and we would soon realise that the next time we need help, no one would initiate to come to our aid. Because our attitude always give the impression that we are high and aloof.. just like a mr-know-it-all!
My suggestion? Always be humble in our hearts and willing to learn from others. Just like an L-plate drive.. we need to constantly wear that L-plate around us. Don't be proud and think that we know everything.. be open and learn to hear from others too, and we might just catch some new insights!
Let's Live Life Learning.... and NOT Luan(4) Luan(4) Lai(2) 乱乱来 !!!!!!
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Just went to this website to check out my marathon timing and position. My final timing was 6 hours 19 minutes 22 seconds, slotting me in at 1009th position out of 1250 marathon runners i.e. I had 81% of the people whom ran way ahead of me!
Amazingly slow? But it doesn't bother me at all, am just so glad that I finished the race... and I finished it in STYLE with a great buddy, ERIC! Eric caught up with me at the 41KM mark and we just slogged our way against all the cramps to cross the finishing line together. It was an awesome feeling to cross the end point, but it was more sensational crossing it together with a friend. =) Check out our kodak moments!
I experienced and appreciated the comradeship of my buddy Eric, even though it was just through the last 1KM. But it showed me the importance of having great friends around in the journey of life. Many times it is easy to grit our teeths and bash through situations in life like Rambo... it's glamourous and cool indeed. But soon the bumps and bruises in life are going to burden us down regardless of how Rambo we are. Rambo is still only human!
Do you have friends whom will stick with you through the rough patches in life? Or are you just another Rambo-wannabe or loner? No man is an island, we all need each other!
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Still remember the crazy old days when we had pagers? That was way back during the JC days for me and those were the days when I learnt all about the DA BEEPBEEP CODE, and how boys would use the public phones to drop these secret mushy codes to girls whom they admire.
"1-1-7-7-1-5-5-1-7" = "I MISS U"
"1-7-0-1-7-3-1-7" = "I LOVE U"
"1-3-7-3-5-5-1-7" = "BLESS U"
In the modern era where almost every 10 year old young chap owns a handphone, there begun the evolution of the DA SMS CODE....
Try boggling your brains in thinking what does "7-4-5-3-9-4-2-5-1-2" means?
Behind this code lies a significant life changing story.... check it out HERE!
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Tears flowed down my eyes when I was at East Coast Park during the marathon. I had already covered 27KM, gloomingly another 15.195KM ahead still awaited me. I had sprained my knee in a freak fall at the 10KM point in Marina South, my hamstrings and calf muscles were stiff like a log and my recurring knee injury came back again. At that point, a thought came to my mind.. "Why not just call it quits and give up? Why am I putting my body through so much pain? What was there to prove since I have already conquered the marathon last year? Maybe I should just throw in the towel and give up."
Pride, guts, glory, integrity... all these became pale comparisons to the pain jutting up every inch of muscles in my legs. Plus the tempting sight of the ECP Bedok exit was alluring for me, I could just give up, flag a cab home, catch a nice hot bath and snuggle into my cosy bed for a good rest. I battled with these thoughts in my mind for the next 3KM...
SUDDENLY... I saw Spiderman, Cat Woman and a lady dragging an old car tyre and running (She was running as a personal campaign to promote recycling). At that moment, everything made sense to me and I had answers to all my questions... Whether I walk, limp, crawl and not matter how long I would take, I WILL drag myself across the finishing line!!
I was NEVER running this marathon for myself. Indeed I have nothing to prove having already conquered this same race last year. But this year, I am running this marathon for my friends, family and the youths whom I work around and spend my time with. My characteristic life principle that I always hold on to strongly is the "never-say-die" attitude. And no matter how unfair, unjustified, difficult or rough situations in life becomes, I would never bow down to circumstances nor call it quits. These people close around me always know me by the Persevering Attitude that I share.
What was it that pushed me beyond my pain barrier and kept going? ..... I want to live out what I preach in my life. I don't want to just talk the walk.. but I will WALK THE TALK! =)
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Injury List:
Strained right knee...
Hamstring cramp...
Calves cramp...
Right hip hurts...
Bruised right index toe...
I clocked in 6 hours 23 minutes for this year's Standard Chartered 42KM Marathon, a far cry compared with my timing last year and also the target I had set out. But looking at the far longer injury list this year, I am just thankful and glad that I pulled through the marathon and survived!
Time to rest those aching stiff legs now... watch out for more post marathon updates in my upcoming posts! Zzzzzzz.....
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As I walked out of the club, my eyes strained upon the glaring light from the lamppost even! I felt high and dry. High from the music, screaming and shouting which were still ringing in my ears. Dry because I was left pondering the question, "Huh? That's all ah? Like that only? Jump, scream and drink? What's so fun? Plus so expensive! Chey!!!"
In my environment of working with youths now, I began to ponder why would youths want to go clubbing? It seems like the highlight or 'event-of-their-life' that almost every youth is looking ahead for! Just like an 18 year old youth who can't wait to turn 21 so he can watch R21 movie! Gosh! What's the hype about it? What makes them want to going clubbing day after day?
And regular clubbing can be an expensive affair too. Think about it... $20++ for the club entry, $10++ for additional drinks, $50++ for taking cab with midnight surcharge. That tallies to almost $100, multiply that by the number of times you go clubbing a month and that's a HUGE sum!
For the fun? The friends? The music?... You can easily have that by organising a mini gathering at home too. And it's so much cheaper than clubbing your money down the drain..... (to be continued)
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Loud deafening music. Smokey environment. Expensive entry and drinks. Potential danger lurks (for both guys & girls). Flashy lights.
These were my experience the last time I went clubbing almost 4 years back. It was during the freshmen orientation camp where I was a councillor and clubbing was one of the highlight event of the camp. Girls dolled up and guys suited up for this grand event, everyone zipped onto the dancefloor and went wild in dancing, occasionally popping to the bar counter for a drink. I still remember the place was NewsRoom Bar, near Mohammad Sultan?
I didn't enjoy the whole atmosphere. I did try to sway along with the dance groove, but after a while it became really boring. Call me old fashion, but this just wasn't my cup of tea. It wasn't before long that I found a comfortable sofa in one corner, sat down with a couple of friends and FELL ASLEEP! By the time I woke up, it was 3:00AM and we were leaving.... I didn't even get to claim my complimentary drink! =P
As I walked out of the club, my eyes strained upon the glaring light from the lamppost...... (to be continued)
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These words were spoken by my mentor recently and now I am beginning to understand so much about it. Looking ahead, the month of December is a crazy schedule for me with all the camps and special events preparations. Alot of times in the course of preparing, I wanted to just handle everything by myself, feeling that I can do a much better job since I am in control. I feel like I am Superman!
True as it may be... I can do a great job for one, two events. But how long more can I last? Taking everything on by myself further would push me down the road of burning out. I need help and support... else I'm really gonna be a DEAD Superman soon!
These past two weeks, I delegated some of the workload to let others handle and it really helped me alot. Not only is my workload lightened, but I also appreciate the joy and fun of working together as a group. Just as life is, no man is an island and we all need one another! Being Superman can be glamorous, but definitely lonely and tiring.
The world doesn't need a Superman to do extraordinary things. The world needs ordinary men and women, combining their ordinary powers which would make extraordinary postive impact! Read more on this article...
Today I went to Peninsula Plaza and bought a NEW acoustic plug-in guitar. My previous guitar had warped badly beyond repair and the guitar mechanics told me to retire it. So it is now resting in peace in one corner of my room.
Back to my new guitar! Yes! In the new year 2007 ahead, one of my goals is also to upgrade my guitar skills. I used to attend a guitar workshop for about a year but had to stop because of schedule clash. Since then, my guitar skills have sort of stagnated and never improved. I believe I still have room for growth and improvement, so I am pushing myself to go for it!
Talk is cheap! Now for my action plans: (1) Learning fingerstyle guitar and tabs from this DVD I got about advanced guitar course. (2) Setting aside 30 minutes every night to play and practice on my guitar.
What are YOU planning to do about your goals and aims in 2007?
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Shying away in the background on the crowd of people. Weighing in at a mere 38KG and measuring in about 1.60m in height. He is only in Secondary 2. The sunlight reflecting off his face makes him look much more fairer. I gave him a pat on his shoulder and offered him a drink, but he shys away.
His name is Joash.... And amidst of almost 200 youths whom took part in the Amazing Race yesterday, Joash is my HERO!!!
Looking beyond the seemingly frail and pale exterior... this young boy has got a big heart and great character. Part of the amazing race called for us to run from end to end of East Coast Park and overcoming some interesting station games. Many may have passed the chance on Joash and expected him to take the easy way out. WRONG! Joash ran his lungs out together with us and in his silent ways took on each station challenge with confidence! And that makes him a hero!
You must be wondering.. "Huh? Like that also can be called a hero ah?" That's right.. a true hero is not simply justified by the results and achievements. But rather the character and attitude displayed.
Joash might be the smallest person in size amongst the 200 youths. But he has a great heart and determination that made him stood taller above everyone and outshine them all.
Everyone can achieve results.. but not everyone can nuture such a great attitude of a hero!
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Today was a whole day of rushing for me....
RUSHING through the Standard Chartered Marathon Race Expo to collect the goodie bags...
RUSHING through the foodcourt to get a seat...
RUSHED through lunch....
RUSHED back to work....
RUSHED to Changi Airport to send a friend off....
RUSHED back home via cab and suffering airport cum midnight surcharge (A deadly combo!)
Dog tired and zonked out by the time I stepped back home. After a refreshing hot shower, I would flip out my diary, spend some time reflecting upon the crazy day and pen down my thoughts. I do that everyday. I do that to catch a breather in this crazy world. It really helps me alot.
How about YOU? We all live in a crazy world that run at a frantic pace. But how are you coping along? All it takes is just 10 minutes a day. Put aside everything for that 10 minutes, settle down and catch a breather. Try it.. It helps!
2:08AM. Time to sleep.. Gotta wake up at 7:00AM for an Amazing Race!
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Over my job interview, I had an interesting conversation with the General Manager (GM). I was just sharing with him about my growing up journey as an only child, where I was given alot of freedom and responsibility. The word "RESPONSIBILITY" caught his attention and we started discussing what that word means for parents and youths today.
Parents today have become so result-driven that all they do is demand their children to do well in their studies. They exert control, pressure, expectations and comparisons.... just so as to make sure the child becomes "responsible" in his studies. However, one would realise that such a manner would result in two extreme outcomes.. 1. The child's social life is totally handicapped. All he/she knows is just study, study and study. 2. The child does not respond well to the pressure, and retaliates by turning to vices and addiction. Outcome?? Parents get more upset and exerts more pressure and scolding. In the end, the children keep moving away from the parents directive and become irresponsible instead!
That's where CROSS-TRAINING comes in! By removing the demands and expectation on the child in area of studies and begin to inculcate and teach responsibilities in other available areas! Example: Punctuality in meeting people; Cleaning up own own; Helping out in household chores; Opportunities to lead and organise events. Coupled together with appropriate affirmation, encouragement and timely discipline, the child would learn about responsibility when he/she witness for themselves the fruits of their labour! Once that is set, it would pave a smoother path to teach them about being responsibility in their studies.
Does CROSS-TRAINING work? YES.. I have tried that with some of the youths that I work with and it sure is a powerful learning experience!
PS: I am not targetting against parents, but rather sharing my own viewpoints that at times we need to think out of the box. It's important to walk a child through the process rather than just concerned with the outcome!
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There's a song which titles "When smoke gets into your eyes"... judging from the picture above, I would rename it as "When the hair gets into your eyes"!! To run with your hair flapping front, back and sideways is really no joke. It becomes really distracting and painful when the hair ends accidentally poke it your eyes!
Either I get a hairband, or OFF with the hair! You should know by now which was my choice....
Similarly, when we aim and work hard to achieve our goals in life, there are times where we have to makes changes and adaptations. For example, if I want to do well in my studies, I must learn to cut down the number of hours I usually spend on computer games. It may seem like a drastic change and major adaptation to adjust to for me, but it is for my good and to help me achieve my goal of doing well in studies.
Think about the goals that we have set... and the plans that we have laid down to achieve these goals. Are we willing to make the sacrifices, changes and possibly major adjustments? Read more on this article...
S$19.00. That was how much I spent on these 3 pairs of thinner thickness ankle socks in preparation for the marathon. Why do I need these new pair of socks? ... Because last year I ran the marathon with my thick pair of socks and it felt really uncomfortable. I concluded since then that thicker socks prevented my feet from "breathing" well and my feet would be in danger of getting blisters with bonus of becoming "HongKong Feet"!
Previously I talked about the importance of goal setting to finish the race well. Now, in every battle, we must learn to have PROPER PLANNING; just like buying these socks! Don't just be blindly setting goals. We must learn to sit down and plan ahead realistically how we should go about in achieving the goals set out! So what are some things that you want to conquer in the new year ahead? Is it doing better in studies? Or wanting to pick up a new sport or adventure? Set the goal to achieve and list down plans on how to reach these goals.
Goal setting shows us the end point. Proper planning enables us to reach the end point!Gosh! Check out those wobbly legs from last year's marathon and you can guess how tough it was...
1.5 weeks to 42KM marathon and counting down.... *gulp*
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Last year, I took 6 hours 5 minutes 23 seconds to completed the gruelling 42.125KM marathon.. During those 6 long hours, walking has NEVER EVER been that painful before. Even plain water taste like ice cold coca-cola man!
In 2 weeks time, I am CRAZILY gonna take on the same challenge of the marathon once again! This time round, enhanced by the 100KM-fast-walking skills imparted two weeks ago, I am SETTING A GOAL of 5 hours 45 minutes for myself. It's time to get those flabby leg muscles into royal rumble action once again!
Goal setting is important.. It give us a vision of where we aim to be or what to accomplish. A famous author once wrote, "Without vision, the people perish." How true it is.. when we do not have an end in mind of what we aim to achievement, the entire journey become laborious and purposeless. We won't be motivated in anyway and it will be a matter of time before the thought of giving up becomes reality!
5 hours 45 minutes.. join me in this enduring conquest either by running with me, cheering me on, or maybe feeding me with bananas along the way!
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Wobbly legs. Sweating like a pig. Thigh muscles stiff like a piece of wood.
73 storeys. 1336 steps. 15 minutes 44 seconds. I CONQUERED the Vertical Marathon!
It really wasn't easy. By the 25th storey, I felt like just catching the hotel lift back down already. But no guts no glory man! If a 79 years old grandpa can make it up, there's no reason why I can't! So I forced myself to keep going, motivated to overtake as many people as possible (but there were many whom overtook me too.. haha!)
It really takes alot of perseverance to reach the top ....
Perseverance is when there are people constantly overtaking you. And you are left wondering if you are really that lousy? Perseverance is when the air circulation is not really that good, with "fragrance" of sweat, puke and staleness filling the air! Perseverance is when you have every valid reasons to give up.. the searing muscle aches and shortness of breathe! But I don't come this far just to give up!
Perseverance is determination to FINISH STRONG no matter what obstacles come along the way!
[Up next.. the Standard Chartered Marathon on 3rd December!] Read more on this article...
One week ago this time, I am psyching myself up for the 100KM walk. One week later today.. I am preparing myself mentally for the 73 storeys climb up Swissotel on Sunday. I don't want to underestimate this challenge after the 100KM incident... But so much so for preparations yeah?
Am I prepared for this event?
Hmm.. Mentally and emotionally, Yes. Physically, Not really.
What prior training did I have?
70KM walk last Saturday and Futsal game in 12 hours time.
Previous vertical challenge record?
22 storeys climb up to my house unit in HBD block.
Gosh! Why am I constantly pushing myself and straining my body for such physical challenges???
I guess I am wired up this way, always learning from experience. Pushing my physical limits always teaches me about perseverance in life. I share with many youths about the importance of perseverance and not to give up so easily when we meet obstacles in our lives. Talk is cheap.. now I am putting my words into actions and setting the example. Life is NOT like computer gaming where there is a RESTART button to be pushed as and when we like.. But it is about persevering through and developing character through the process.
Don't always focus on the end result.. It is the process that matters more!
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After my previous post that I sprained my wrist in an SMSing frenzy, I have been receiving alot of SMS, Tags on tagboard, phonecall and even in my office... people are either sympathizing with me or laughing at me over this crazy "accident"!
There was one really funny comment made by a youth...
Youth: "Hey.. better take care of the wrist, else broken already, you will become like Yang Guo (杨郭) in the ancient HongKong martial arts drama 'Legend of the Condor Heros', where he lost one arm!"
EeJay: "Wow! If I am Yang Guo, then where is my Xiao Long Nu (小龙女)??? I have been waiting 16 years for her!! (that's according to the drama series). Has she become a 小笼包 already????"
Hmm... come to think of it.. maybe next time my future girlfriend's nickname will be called 小笼包!
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Yesterday I was on the phone with a friend. He's in NTU and busy preparing for his examinations which begins today. This is his first year in University studies and he's all pumped up and excited for his first exams after the past two years of jungle training (NS)...
He was jokingly lamenting to me over the phone, "Aiya... how I wish last time Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇) would have burnt away all the books! So now we don't have to study nor take exams!" I am sure all of us would think the same way too each time we take our exams right? haha...
"HOW I WISH...." Wouldn't we sometimes just wish that alot of things in our lives could change for the better? To make our lives easier so that we wouldn't need to stress or worry so much about problems.
Well, if all of us get our wishes.. the world would be far worse off a place rather than a better place. Just imagine everyone becoming millionaires... everyone do not need to study.... everyone having the freedom to do whatever we want. Do you seriously think life will be better?
Our selfish hunger for more is insatiable. Life is not about hardships.. but rather a journey of learning experiences from which we learn to grow in Character and Depth.
[How I wish I was born in a rich family. Looking back, if I were to get my wish, I probably be a spoilt brat by now!]
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It has happened for the 3rd time in 2 weeks! I actually sprained my wrist while SMS-ing! Gosh! As freak as this accident may sound, it's so laughable that I wouldn't consider it a freak accident! Hmm... thinking back, I must have sent about 100 SMS within that 30 minutes span.. to and fro, replying and sending... No wonder I would sprain my wrist!
Sprained wrist or not.. I realised that a common trend amongst the youths nowadays is that they are highly becoming socially handicapped! They have become experts in online conversations, flowery words (both vulgarities and good words) & icons via the SMS and sharing all their emotions and ventilations on blogs and forums! Yet when engaging in real life conversation either in one-on-one or group settings, he/she becomes totally incapacitated, as if they have locked jaws!
Just imagine few years down from now, children will not be talking with their parents. They communicate online. One in the living room, the other in the bedroom. How sad is that?!?!
Internet and modern technology do offer us new ways of communication, but DO NOT let technology handicap us that we even lost our basic human touch and communication skills! Else we would become just like ROBOTS!
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Today while on the bus back home, I overheard a conversation by a bunch of JC students. What caught me wasn't the details of the conversations, but rather the language used in the conversation. I kept hearing.. "What the **** lah!"
I was shocked! Vulgarities seems to have become a norm for everyone! How come everyone is using it like nobody's business??
We may not see it as something big, probably just a way of destressing or ventilating our emotions. But BE CAREFUL! Today when you get angry, you let loose and vulgar words fly out.... In future, when we get so used to vulgarities and never exercise control and restrain, the thing that lets loose when we get angry would be our fists, throwing punches like a lunatic and getting into all sorts of trouble.
Funny? May not happen to you? Think again... check out some famous soccer celebrities whom didn't know how to exert self control or anger management...
Example A: WAYNE ROONEY punches a soccer player in the eye after a provocation about his girlfriend.
Example B: ZINEDE ZIDANE headbutted Marco Materazzi in the World Cup Finals 2006 and was red carded.
Example C: PAUL GASCOIGNE beating up his wife in the period when he was slumped in alcoholism.
CONSEQUENCES: Shame. Famous for the wrong reasons. Disgraceful.
The same thing can happen to us too. So think twice before you blurt out any vulgar words. Learn to exercise self control. It will do you alot of good in the long run.
You dun need vulgarities to have fun!
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2:16AM... After 18 hours 36 minutes 46 seconds and a gruelling trail of 70KM... It was finished. Our team decided not to continue with the 100KM walk any further. Soaked wet from rain, severe muscle cramps, spasms in the back, injuries and blisters forced us out of the walk. We decided it wasn't worth pushing ourselves further with risk of damaging our body further. So we dropped out....
But I was really proud of my entire team! Considering we were totally unprepared both in terms of knowledge, equipments and training for this walk... conquering a massive 70KM on foot is already an amazing feat!! No joke man! But we will TRY AGAIN next year and conquer it!
That's the attitude of a conqueror, demostrating perseverance right? NEVER giving up in anything until we succeed! A hero lives to fight another day!
Up next... Swissotel Vertical Marathon this coming Sunday. 73 storeys and 1336 steps... HERE I COME!!!
[Photos are in the midst of compilation and coming soon! Stay tuned!]
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In 5 hours time, me and 4 of my friends will begin on our crazy journey of 100KM! Our survivor kit: Water, snacks, sunblock, umbrella and our mouths geared up for whole lot of crapping and talking along the way to motivate us!
Sembawang => Kranji War Memorial => Bukit Batok Nature Park => Kent Ridge Park Carpark => Delta Sports Hall => Singapore Indoor Stadium => Bedok Reservior Park => Serangoon Secondary School => Seletar Camp Gate => Sembawang
If you are free, drop by any of these check points to support us! But do give us a call to check on our location first! 100-Plus, Chicken Rice, Bubble Tea..... We welcome them all too!
Will we give up and drop out halfway? Or will we defy all odds and conquer this 100KM? Watch out for more broadcast on Sunday night...
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[Reported LIVE from Bukit Merah...]
Did I get to try out CounterStrike today? => Yes
How long did I play? => 5 minutes
Huh? Why so short? => Because I kept getting killed!
Experience with CS today? => The pistol is lousy. It's hard to simultaneously control the mouse and direction pad. I get dizzy by looking at the computer screen. And how come the enemy doesn't die when shot all my rounds aimed directly at him?!?!?
Conclusion? => Maybe I should just stick to MapleStory..........
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Today I was on a recce trip in Pulau Ubin, to check out a hiking route for an upcoming youth adventure in a month's time. Guess what? This must have been my 10th trip to Ubin this year! Think I only came once to Ubin in the past 26 years of my life! Well, cycling, hiking, camping... I have conquered almost everything in Ubin just this year... except swimming in the quarry! keke..
Just when I thought I had seen it all in Ubin... check out this spectacular shot I took on a high cliff overseeing one of the quarries! I have never been to this place before, but thanks to my buddy Chriz whom was with me on today's trip... Beautiful right?My strangest encounter in Ubin today was when me and Chriz slept at the jetty together with wild dogs while waiting for the bum boat ride back to mainland! It was late morning and there weren't many people wanting to leave Ubin. And the bum boat driver insistently would not leave unless there were 12 passengers! Bored and with the Z-monster catching up with us, all we could do was to stare blankly at the three wild dogs having their afternoon nap! Gosh! Dogs are having a better life than us! We joined in the nap for almost 45minutes before leaving Ubin. (When you can't beat them, you join them! haha.. *joking joking*)
Simple lifestyle and relaxed pace in Pulau Ubin... A total contrast from our daily lives back home, in school and workplace. Today's trip was not really an adventure quest, but it did help me appreciate life, nature and creation much more. Life is beautiful! Woohoo!!!
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Well... so much talking in the past months about wanting to learn how to play computer games, daring to try new things...etc Today I finally get my hands down to trying to play a computer game........... MAPLESTORY!!!!!
So now I understand a few things.... "Z" = Pick up item; "C" = Attack; "Spacebar" = Jump. Armed with these basic keys and of course the direction pad, I stepped forth on my virgin encounter into the Maple World. After 5 minutes of walking to and fro, slashing some snails.... I managed to UP 3 LEVELS! And just when I was basking in my mini achievement, I saw a youth whose MS character is LEVEL 70!! (check out her sharing at cwcexperience.blogspot.com) Diaoz....
Am happy with myself that I tried something new today... "Noob" or "Newbie" as I may be, but it's ok. My sense of achievement comes from the fact that I stepped out to try something new.. and NOT about gaining higher level in virtual character.
Now that I have killed snails and stomped on mushrooms... What's next? Maybe next round I should learn how to play COUNTERSTRIKE or even D.O.T.A! Those games sound more exciting!
Watch out for my next blog series.... "Chronicles of EeJay: Mis-Firing in CounterStrike"!!!
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Kranji War Memorial to Bukit Batok Nature Park = 10.3KM
Bukit Batok Nature Park to Kent Ridge Park Carpark = 16.45KM
Kent Ridge Park Carpark to Delta Sports Hall = 7.4KM
Delta Sports Hall to Singapore Indoor Stadium = 12.0KM
Singapore Indoor Stadium to Bedok Reservior Park = 12.25KM
Bedok Reservior Park to Serangoon Secondary School = 12.15KM
Serangoon Secondary School to Seletar Camp Gate = 6.5KM
Seletar Camp Gate to Sembawang = 14.9KM
Tally the distance up and you will get 100KM! And that is the distance I will be covering together with 4 other friends this Saturday through to Sunday. It should take us an estimated 29 hours to push through and complete this conquest.. Gosh! It's going to be loads of sweat and perseverance man!
This conquest is really tough and I really do not know how it will turn out. But I am no quitter, and I will push myself to complete this 100KM route. Such an achievement is something which NOBODY can take away from me and it will stay with me forever as a milestone of my life!
There's nothing wrong with gaming, it is a good way of destress and fun. But definitely to be done within the correct boundaries.. which many youths today can't handle. Rather than wasting time building up things that are temporal, why not invest the time wisely in things that will last forever, that NOBODY can take away from us!
I rather push my physical limits and conquer 100KM rather than be a stuck whole day to a computer screen and conquering virtual maps. Watch out for my victory photos soon! =)
I was sharing a session on "Dangers of Online Strangers" with some youths today. And I shared one of the best kept secrets of my life with them. I bet this secret even most of my close friends never knew..... *eerie music playing in background*
In my secondary school days...I used to have an "online girlfriend" via the mIRc (Internet Relay Chat) and we "dated" for a month. Every night we would have our scheduled "date" at 8PM and we would chat for almost 2 hours, sometimes stretching to 4 hours! However, my fantasy turned to disaster after that when my "online girlfriend" became an "online shark" that would keep pestering me to lend her money because of some family problems. After some advice from friends, I "broke up" with her. I never chatted with strangers anymore. Gosh! Now as I look back, I would never know if this "online girlfriend" was a HIM or HER?!?!?!
So be careful with whom you chat with online... DO NOT chat with strangers and DO NOT disclose any personal particulars. By disclosing your school, level and class... You have just allowed this stranger to narrow down from 4 million people to 40 people.
So think twice before you accept any strange conversation with strangers online. He/She may just be wolf in sheep's clothings.
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"My dream is that I will become the Prime Minister!"
This was just one of the many similar answers which the Thai students gave when I asked them what was their dream job in the future. I almost choked on my water when I heard this answer, because my first impression was that "It's impossible!". But soon I realised that out of a class of 24, almost half of them wanted to be the future Prime Minister or some influential person in Thailand! This is no joke already man!
There may be many various political reasons for these 15 year old youths to want to dream such adventures. But one thing that struck me was that they were not afriad to dream big! When I analyzed their behavioural profile using DISC and shared with them some insights on how to tap on their strengths to pursue their dreams, they were captivated.. as if this was the first time somebody actually believe in their dreams and told them it was achievable! I could vaguely see tears welling up in some eyes...
How about us? Do we also dare to dream big? Or have we allowed logical thinking, past failures or overwhelming life circumstances to shatter our dreams?
Successful Entreprenuer... Doctor.... Lawyer... Engineer... Teacher... What do we dream to be in future? The road may not be easy, but it is not impossible. Dare to dream BIG!!
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"Sawasdee-krup...." *Courteous hand gesture similar to the picture, and a sweet smile*
Comparing that with the "Oei!!!!", "What's up Brudder!!" kind of greetings that I always use in Singapore... I was a total 180 degrees change in Bangkok man! All of a sudden, I have transformed into a gentle and mild toned mr nice nice guy! I was struggling and half laughing at myself during the short cultural immersion briefing conducted during my first day in Bangkok, thinking to myself.. "This is so NOT me!" But I flowed along and as the days went by, I got accustomed to the gentle culture, greeting the Thai friends and students in such gentle gestures.
Strangely I thought to myself.. how come I am not as gentle or courteous back in Singapore? Many times I can just "Oei!" at my parents, or even hang up on phonecalls without saying bye... Courteous and polite when with friends, yet at home I give my parents quite a cold and nonchalent attitude, taking for granted that just because they are my parents, it's ok to treat them with lesser courtesy and politeness.
Wrong! I feel like a two-faced monster! Am determined to improve on my relational attitude with my parents. Family should be a place of warmth and security, not cold and loneliness.
PS: Maybe I should try doing the Thai greeting to my parents and stun them! =P
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This is the usual traffic flow in Bangkok, near the service apartment where I was staying. When we travelled to the school, this would be the typical traffic that we had to "conquered"!
I remembered on our first trip to the Assumption School for orientation, the driver told us the distance was an estimated of about 5 minutes away. And guess what? For the next 45 minutes, we were stuck in this crazy traffic. There was nothing I could do but just shut my eyes and take a nap.....zzzz....
Through this experience, I really appreciated our transport system back home alot. At least we don't have to get caught in crazy traffic jams everyday where 5 minutes became eternity.
Indeed, human are such strange creatures. We only learn to appreciate what we have when we experience or see things which are far worse than our current situations.
Let's learn to cherish and appreciate whatever we have today.. be it family, friendships, things that we have...etc. Don't take things for granted!
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Was in Bangkok over the past three days and one thing that simply amazes me was the yummy food! Gosh! Check out those Phad Thai (Thai kuay tiao), Thai fried rice, Papaya salad and really sweet drinks! Haha.. talking about food, there were some hilarious jokes through this trip.
On the airplane to Bangkok, an interesting conversation took place with the air stewardness:
"Good morning Sir... Would you like to have pork noodle or omelette?"
"Pork noodle please. Thank you."
After lifting the aluminium foil.... *shell shocked look on face*
"Oh... So in thailand, noodles equal to CHEE CHEONG FUN!!!!!" *we laughed our heads off*
After 5 minutes into the meal.... we were scratching our heads wondering where is the pork in this PORK noodles?
"Oh my gosh! We didn't understand the air stewardness well. It was actually PRAWN noodles instead of PORK noodles!" *we almost fell off our chairs*
Stay tuned & watch out for more cultural shocks in the coming posts... *hiak hiak hiak* Read more on this article...
These two photos were taken just last week when I attended a Spooky Night Party. It was definitely an eye opener to see how bold and creative some of the youths were in dressing themselves up for the occasion!
Being an old fogy myself whom is attending such first-of-a-kind party, I was simply amazed by the creative juices which flowed out from these young people! People of my generation or older would have viewed such dressings as a deviant art, but to the young people of today, this is cool man!
The youths of today are really dynamic, explosive and creative. Indeed they have many hidden talents which have either been suppressed or not recognized by tradtionalists views. Personally I feel that youths should be given room to display their talents and dynamism. Instead of suppressing these talents, we should encourage and channel them to a positive aspect or purpose!
Check out one of my friend's blog here. He's 18 years old, really cool chap and greatly gifted in designing, especially shoe art. Radical? Creative? He's got it all! Read more on this article...